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My 'n' key isn't working properly so if there is a typo, please, tell me. I'll get it fixed.  Anyway, I had fun writing this so I hope you enjoy! 

The three superheroes argues about how to interrogate Anxiety. Roman had insisted they use threats to scare him; a tactic Patton immediately shot down. So Roman bargained for a 'Good Cop, Bad Cop' scenario; a plan where Logan would have no say. Patton suggested that they have a heart to heart with him. Try to get him to open up a little. " Kill 'em with kindness." Roman and Logan didn't think that would work. Now frustrated the group turned to Logan to work out a plan. He came up with plan after plan eachone equally as crappy. The best plan generated from the three was turning on Dora the Explorer until it drove him mad and he snapped ( Roman was creative they gave him that.) 

They opted that they would each individually interrogate Anxiety using their own tactics until they got a result. Of course, Roman made it a bet. Whoever got Anxiety to give up information about the identity or whereabouts of the boss-dude-guy was treated to a fancy dinner paid by the two who didn't. Of course, Roman was confident he would win. To find what order they would be going in they wrote the numbers 1-3 on popsicle sticks and drew them.  Roman was first (Logan suspected cheating but couldn't prove it) followed by Logan, and Patton last. With determined smiles on their faces and a free meal on their mind, the trio put together their interrogation plans.

The next day was a big day, for the interrogations were today. The 3 had an earpiece in, so they could remain in contact while interrogating. They stood in the Observation room which was right next to the interrogation room. Anxiety was brought in and sat down at the table in the middle of the room. He looked around the mainly empty room. 

"Well that's my cue to go." Roman said as he walked out. After a moment Roman walked into the interrogation room he sat down across from Anxiety.

"Good morning, Anxiety. I suppose you slept well?" Prince asked in a tone that was all too fake with Anxiety. Rolling his eyes, Anxiety smirked.

"I slept wonderfully Princey! The only problem I had was I felt a small uncomfortable lump 'neath my 100 fluffy mattresses. Could you tell me why that is?" Anxiety answered in  a mockingly high pitched voice. Prince grit his teeth. He was annoyed at the villian already.

"Well maybe if you weren't evil, you wouldn't have been caught."

"Well maybe if you knew how to mind your own damn buisness we could all be happy." Prince clenched his fists and Anxiety smirked knowing that he was quickly getting on his nerves. If he could piss him off enough, the others would have to drag him out. 

"Stay calm, Roman." Logan's voice came in through the headphones. Prince took a deep breath calming himself. Getting frustrated was exactly what Anxiety wanted him to do. And he wouldn't let Anxiety have the satisfaction of knowing that he pisses him off.

"So where is the rest of your gang if clowns? Don't they normally help interrogate?" Anxiety asked looking around the room.

"We will each be holding our own separate interrogations." Anxiety nodded with a small smirk on his face.

"So how did you guys decide who goes first?"

"Oi, I'm the one asking the questions around here!"

"Are you now?" Anxiety smirked which confused Prince.

"..Yes." Prince blinked. "Your in handcuffs and I'm not- do you even know how an interrogation works?" Anxiety laughed.

"How about this.. You answer my question and I'll consider answering yours." Anxiety bargained. Prince smirked. It wasn't for sure but he said he would consider. If he asks the right questions. he could get some serious information from him.

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