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TW: Talk of kidnapping, talk of abuse, suggestiveness of the nasty (sex), talks about ownership, wrists(they be weird man) talks of cutting something out of the body, Kinda u!Roman

Anxiety looked up when the door clicked open. Morality walked in carrying a plate of cookies.

"Hey, kiddo!" Morality exclaimed as he sat down at the table. He put the cookies in front of Anxiety.

"Bribery will get you nowhere." Anxiety stated. "Although, these cookies do look good."

"Oh! I had't intended to try to bribe ya, kiddo!." Morality smiled as Logan corrected his grammar through the earpeice. "I just wanted to bring you cookies to make you feel better! I can only imagine what it's like to be taken in by the enemy." Patton smiled as Anxiety picked up a cookie and sniffed it to see if it was laced with some sort of truth serum. After deeming it safe, Anxiety started nibbling on it.

"Well let's hope you never get caught by my boss then. 'Cause I can guarantee no one will bring you cookies." Anxiety chuckled.

'What's it like over there, if you don't mind me asking?" Morality looked at Anxiety who was debating whether ot not to answer. 

Just be vague 

"Well imagine how everything works around here. Now imagine everyone as a shady character. Someone is always looking at your ass fantasizing about you in bed with them and your boss is a psychotic asshole." 

Very vague Anxiety scolded himself. He watched as Morality's amused smile turned into a frown of concern.

"Doesn't seem very healthy." Morality mumbled.

"Probably not, but hey. It's home."

"But if your boss is such a bad guy then why do you work for him."

"Well some of us are just as deranged as him, while others didn't have a choice."

"Well you don't seem very deranged, so I'm gonna go one a wild guess and say you didn't have a choice." Anxiety smirked.

"You're smarter than you lead yourself on to be, Ty." Anxiety folded his arms. 

"Ty?" Morality asked.

"Yeah, the last 2 letters of your name. It's easier than saying Morality all the time. And I don't like working hard so." Anxiety shrugged.

"Oh, well, why don't you have a choice?" Anxiety snapped his fingers and pointed to Morality.

"That, my friend, is classified." 

"Are you sure? Cause if you need help to get out of there, to start a new life, tell us now and we will help." Morality persuaded. 

"You know, I used to have a friend like you. Years ago."

"How so?"

"Well, he cared about my wellbeing. A little too much at some point. Always made sure I was ok after things got bad at home. He always believed in me. Wanted me to be happy. But the boy who he believed in is gone now."

"What happened to him?" Anxiety took a deep breath leaning back.

"He died... Many, many years ago."

"And what of your friend?"

"Still alive. Doing well the last time I checked but that was years ago. He's long forgotten about me."

"I'm sure that's not true!" Morality exclaimed. Anxiety chuckled. He reminded him so much of Patton. 

"Look, Ty. I like you so I'm gonna let you in on a secret." Morality leaned forward. "One that can never leave this room. This stays between you and me alright?"  Morality nodded.

Identity (A Sanders Sides Superhero AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora