Meeting 1: Part 2 Planning

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TW: Mentions of kidnapping, mentions of arrest, mentions of torture

"First order of business is planning. De, mind going over the plan?"

"Uh, yea. I do mind." Anxiety rolled his eyes. "But I'll do it anyway." 

"Our base is huge and has tons of rooms, cells, large areas etc. There are a lot of people on his side, but there are also other divisions of kidnapped kids. We can get a list of names since Anx is doing training duty this week. Since the place is huge and he has goons everywhere taking the building by storm isn't an option. We need to get you and the other kids into training room 9 which is closest to his throne room. From there Anx will call a meeting with our boss. 2 other members of our team will be waiting out side for when he says a code word. Then they would run back get the rest of the team and crash that bitch like the stock market. Any questions?"

"What's the code word?" Morality asked.

"Haven't decided that yet figured we would wait until a little closer so that it didn't get leaked." Anxiety answered. Morality nodded.

"What if when we try to beat him and he zaps us?" Missy asked. Sleep turned to him with a gentle smile.

"By that time we would have these gone." Sleep explained pointing to his own wrist. The young kid nodded rubbing his own wrist. 

"When are we taking these out?" Mimic asked. Anxiety looked over to Morality.

"Whenever Ty, is ready." 

"I'm ready whenever you guys are."

"How about next week?" Stealth suggested. Everyone nodded getting approval.

"What are your bosses powers?"

"Honestly wish I could tell you. He doesn't use his powers around us. If you do something wrong he takes you into one of the chambers." Anger said crossing her arms.

"Chambers?" Morality asked. Loop nodded.

"Thats what everyone calls 'em. They're torture chambers. He as a lot of different ones depending on how he wants to do."

"I don't think this has to be said, but just in case try to avoid ending up in one of those rooms." Depression sighed. Morality nodded.

"I'll certainly try my best." Depression smiled at the hero.

"So what would happen after our boss is defeated?" Anger asked.

"We would arrest everyone and take them in for questioning." 

"Even us?" Pranks questioned. Morality looked over at him.

"No, you guys wouldn't be arrested, but we would have to take you in for questioning, but you guys wouldn't be in any trouble."

"What would happen after that?" Missy inquired. 

"Well we would question everyone. Ask for their names, ages, powers, register them as a superhuman, find out what they know about the organization they were apart of, and then we would have lawyers come in and help them put together a case."

"Wait you just get free lawyers!" Mimic exclaimed.

"Everyone is entitled to a fair trial, that means a lawyer."

"Oh thank the gods." Anger whispered leaning back in her chair. Everyone else visibly relaxed a little. Morality looked at them confused. Anxiety noticed this.

"We thought we were screwed over in the lawyer department. None of us have any money."

"Oh well don't worry about that."

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