The Hunt: Part 3

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TW: Fire, death, blood, sleeping pills, disassocitive episode,

There is a lot that goes into this chapter. I'm marking it the best I can but if I miss anything please point it out. Also I suck at action scenes so it's not to detailed, but it mentions a lot so just be careful please. 

Anxiety looked around him with wide eyes. The flames danced across buildings and the distant melody of screams was not so distant.

 He honestly didn't know what to do. He lit the first match. He had no choice, yet he still did this. 

He took their lives destroyed their homes and gave some of them some serious mental issues growing up.

"What are you waiting for Anxiety."  Anxiety looked to his left to see the Duke walking sassily toward him the mace that was now covered in blood sat casually over his shoulder. "We got stuff to do." 

"Haven't we done enough?" He whispered as he looked around. The sky was dark but the streets were brighter then the sun. 

This is super vague so here is the fact of the matter:

Imagine the size of a small village, that how much of the city is on fire. 

Many many people are in the streets in T-shirts or shorts.  Anxiety was standing by a fire hydrant and he was actually very surprised that no one had noticed him. He shrugged it off thinking it was for the best, but now that the Duke was there as well there was no way they weren't gonna be noticed.

"What?" The Duke said holding a hand behind his ear and leaning forward. 

"Havent we done enough?" Virgil repeated louder getting frustrated. He knew that Deceit was the bad guy and everything but this... this was madness.

"I mean I guess, but we could always do more." He agreed looking around with the sick smile on his face. He watched as a crying little girl tried to run towards one of the burning buildings attempting to save her mother. A man, presumably her father, held her back. 

"We are here for a reason." The Duke repeated. "If we fail to reach that goal, my boyfriend will be less than pleased." He threatened with a grin. He cackled as he ran off to terrorize more innocent people. Anxiety quickly shadow glided into the burning building when he got in there he held his sleeve up to his nose and began coughing. 

"Fuck." He shouted to no one in particular. Frantically he started searching for anyone he could save. "Hello!" He shouted. "Is anyone here?" The only response was the cracking of the fire and the snapping of the buildings supports. He didn't have much time. He continued to call out searching from room to room. It felt like forever before he spotted an unconscious body on the ground. He was quickly at their side and in a split second had a hand over their nose and mouth, and then shadow gliding out of there. He appeared in a nearby alley, that was relatively safe from the fires and crowds. He set the person down and checked their pulse. 

He couldn't feel anything for a second but sighed in relief when he felt a faint pulse. 

"Thank you thank you thank you." He whispered. He wasn't sure who he was thanking, but he was eternally grateful to whoever it was. The person had long  blonde hair and a female body. Their face was covered in ash and dirt and Virgil took notice of their shallow breathing.

"They need help, but I can't be seen. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuck." He continued to mumble to himself unsure how to handle the situation when he heard heavy footsteps. He looked around the corner quickly and smile when he saw Morality, Logic, and Princey gunning it down the sidewalk. He grabbed the person and held their nose again mumbling an apology to the unconscious human. In the next second he was in front of the three heroes with his usual smirk on the unconscious body in his arms. They all skidded to a halt and got in a defensive positon. 

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