The Hunt: Part 2

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TW: Remus, various weapons, 

It's about time we had some action! Not much but hey the next chapter is where the real fun begins. This is a slightly shorter chapter than normal partly for suspense and partly because I'm still super tired, but hey! It's something. And its the best I could do right now. Sure I've done better before, but I was also in a better mental state with less stress, so I'm doing alright!

The strange buzzing noise that came from Patton's backpack roused him from his sleep. Patton had always been a light sleeper. He groaned looking at the clock and smacked his hand against his face slowly guiding down it when he saw it read 2:34 AM. He rolled out if the bed and stumbled over to his bag yawning. Could it have been something from his job? He searched the pockets and pulled out the culprit. The tiredness that he felt (while still very present) was pushed away slightly as he saw the object. He wrote Logan a quick note saying he got an emergency call from work and threw on his suit rushing out of the door. 

He didn't know why the meeting was called but he didn't have a good feeling of it. He used the darkness as his cover and his magic to fly over obstacles and people's private property because he didn't want to trespass. When Patton reached the building he just glided up to it and over the old floor until he reached the trap door. He was still very disoriented from waking up and he didn't trust himself to navigate it. When he climbed down he was expecting to see the whole crew sitting in chairs like last time instead when he turned around he was met by a single figure pacing. His head snapped up and Sleep let out a sigh of relief.

"Morality thank the coffee gods." Morality almost got whiplash. He didn't know what was happening before and now he really had not a damn clue. 

"Whats happening? Where is everyone?"

"I don't know how much time I have to explain. We have our boss and our boss has a boyfriend right and normally he is by his side 24/7 right. Well today he came and got- Anx," Morality realised in his panic, Sleep had almost revealed Anxiety's identity which would put them all in more danger then before. "personally."

"So?" An pit settled in Morality's stomach.

"So that means bad news. I didn't hear anything but I have a really bad feeling. They are planning something I don't know if its tonight or another night or what but its not good. You guys need to be ready for whatever it is. " Morality nodded slowly.

"Thanks." Sleep nodded. 

"I have to get back before they notice but please be careful." Morality nodded.

"You too." Sleep nodded and Morality claimed the ladder and glidded his way. Remy sat down. He would leave a few minutes after Morality did. It was a sign of respect so he knew they werent trying to follow him. Remy sighed wearily. He was used to tiredness from either not sleeping or oversleeping but no amount of all nighters in a row could prepare him for the pure exhaustion that he was feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally.


Virgil scratched his thumb with his index finger continuously. A very sutle way to fidget as he followed Remus mace swinging down the corridors. They were mainly empty except for the guard that were doing their rounds. Remus turned the corner and dramatically burst into Deceits office throne room thing. Virgil followed behind him keeping his gaze low. Deceit being the dramatic bitch that he is slowly turned to face them in his spinny throne office chair thing. Virgil honestly didn't know how to describe it. 

"Ah good you're both here." Deceit smirked. Remus walked over to his boyfriend and kissed him making Virgil more uncomfortable then he was. He didn't care that they were gay, (obviously) he just didn't like PDA (public displays of affection) "I assume Remus filled you in?" 

"Yes, sir." Virgil answered dutifully. "Would have given you warning earlier but you never know who could be listening." Deceit chuckled. "Right since neither of you have fire power you're gonna need some help aren't you?" Remus nodded with a demonic smile on his face and Janus dangled the keys in front of Remus. He smirked and held his hand a few inches below the keys and kissed him. Midkiss Deceit dropped the keys into his hand. After a few more seconds of soul sucking the two pulled away and gazed into eachothers eyes. They both had smiles on their faces and even though they were masked by devious look and pure lust, Virgil saw the emotion. Remus was Deceits weak spot and Deceit was Remus'. If these two hadn't been murderous psychopaths Virgil would have thought them cute together. The moment ended and Remus turned away and went to unlock the weapons cabinet. He grabbed two utility vests loaded with matches, kindling, lighters and a few other items necessary to commit arson and handed one to Virgil before throwing the other one on himself. He grabbed a hammer for Virgil and handed it to him then following with a pocket knife and a gas can filled with gasoline. He grabbed the items he would need setting them beside him. Remus skimmed the cabinet a final time before picking up a children's bike helmet and setting it on top of Virgil's head. It was way too small and Remus smiled and pat roughly against the top of the helmet making Virgil wince.

"Safety first." Virgil rolled his eyes and threw the helmet back in the cabinet allowing Remus to lock it back up. Once they were done with that they picked up their items and walked back over to Deceits spinny throne. Deceit had his hand on his forehead almost as if he were in pain. Virgil hadn't noticed this as he was to occupied with the 'Oh my gosh this is actually happening' but Remus noticed really quick. 

"Virgil~" Remus called out in a sing son voice. Virgil looked up at him with slight fear in his eyes. "Go wait outside i'm going to... say goodbye to my boyfriend." Remus tried to sound as disgusting as possible. It obviously worked because Virgil scampered off very quickly. As soon as the door was shut Remus spinted over in from of his boyfriend and knelt taking his hand.

"Jan, are you ok?" The panic was clear in his voice. Janus gave a small nod trying not to move.

"Just another episode i guess."

"What are you feeling."

"Migraine, brain jumbled. hot. Very hot." Remus quickly used his creation power to make ice and set it on hisforehead. Janus visibly relaxed slightly. 

"Still don't know whats causing them?" Janus slightly shook his head. "Do you need me to stay here? I can call it off we can do it tomorrow." Remus suggested.

"No, no nono." Janus mumbled. His eyes were shut tight trying to keep out the light and while the sound of Remus talking made Janus' head pound harder he knew he meant no ill intent. Besides if there was anything worth going through this pain for just to hear it was Remus' voice. "If we quit he will tell his crew. We can't have that. I'll be fine once I get into my quarters. You need to complete this mission." While Remus hated the idea of leaving Janus' side he also knew Janus wouldn't let him stay there. So instead he nodded.

"Fine. But if anything chances you call us back immediately promise?"


"Good, now lets get you to bed."

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