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TW: Drinking, mentions of death, unhealthy coping, 

Just a quick note: Logan and Patton are dating but Roman is not dating them as well. Roman is single but they all chose to live together because they were a team and it was safer in case someone tried to kidnap them.

Also I've never been drunk so.... i'm unsure how accurate this is. Feel free to tell me how to make it more realistic.

Sanity is not something Logan had at this point.

Patton's boss had given him the day off since he had covered an early and late shift yesterday as well as his normal shift. (He was in the office from 5 AM to 11PM) Roman also had the day off cause an exterminator was spraying for bugs.

Logan had expected the kitchen  and living room to be a disaster ( mass baking and pillow fights were typical activities that occurred when Logan was away) He was not, however, expecting to walk into the house to find 2 extremely drunk men laughing uncontrollably about nothing.

Logan almost died on the spot.

It was going to be a long night.

Roman started reaching for the half empty bottle of wine that was accompanied by 2 empty ones.

"No, no." Logan mumbled rushing over and grabbing the bottle from his drunk friend. "I think you two have had enough."

"Loogaaaaaaaaaaan" They both whined. Logan but the wine stopper in the bottle, sealing it, and placed it back in the wine cabinet. Roman tried to stand up but had less balance then the author's mental stability scale, so he started falling forward. Logan sped walk 2 steps to be able to catch Roman as Patton laughed.

"LoLo~ you had to catch Romann."

"Yes, I did." Logan sighed.

"Are you gonna catch me if I fall?"

"Of course I will." Patton started tearing up. Logan closed his eyes, Roman still in his arms. He silently reminded himself that he loved his friends. After a rough day at work the last thing he wanted to do was take care of his drunk friends. 

"Aww Logie." Patton sobbed. Roman, hearing Patton cry started pounding on Logan's back. It took everything Logan had not to Donozo slap Roman. 

"You evil son of-" Logan wasn't able to understand the rest, but he could assume the profanities being thrown at him.

"Ok time for bed. Patton?" Patton hummed his eyes were half closed and he was sprawled on the couch. Logan smiled lovingly.

""Don't get off the couch for a minute, OK?" Patton nodded giggling. 

"Yess, sir."  Logan sighed to himself readjusting Roman so he was mainly leaning on his shoulder.

"Alright Roman lets go." He began walking, dragging Roman behind him.

"Nooooooo." Roman moaned.

"Yeeesssss." Logan replied. With great difficulty Logan managed to drag Roman up the stairs and into his room. He threw him onto the bed and sighed. He threw Roman's legs onto the bed and wrestled the blankets from under him.

"Hey, Lo?" Roman mumbled as Logan pulled the covers up tucking him in.

"Yes, Roman?" 

"I miss Virgil." Logan froze staring at the man. His face was buried into his pillow and he was clutching onto the blankets like they were his life line. Logan's face softened at the sight. 

"I...I know, Ro. I miss him too. How about this weekend we visit his grave? It's been a while since we visited him." Roman nodded and turned over, falling asleep. Logan stared at him for a second before shaking his head and walking out of the room leaving the door cracked slightly. He walked down the stairs over to the couch where Patton had fallen asleep hugging a throw pillow. Logan took the pillow gently from his boyfriend tossing it to the other end of the couch before scooping up the sleeping hero. Patton stirred.

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