Meeting 1: Part 1 Introductions

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TW: Talks about religion(I don't mean to offend anyone), mentions of abuse

Anxiety smiled as he descended the ladder. Morality had reminded him a lot like his childhood friend when he was fighting him, but now that they had spent some time together outside of battle, memories of his old friend filled his mind. When he got out of this hellhole he couldn't wait to see them again. Although he was aware it was most likely going to be from behind bars. When he reached the bottom his team was sitting there. They all looked up at him as he stepped off the ladder.

"Well?" Depression asked. Anxiety smiled.

"He's on his way down." A huge wave of relief spread through the room before it got stiff again.

"He came alone?" Anger asked.

"From what I could tell, yes."

"How do we know he's not calling backup right now?" Pranks added. Everyone was in their uniform to protect their identities, but since Missy and Pranks were still in training they had yet to receive their uniforms. So they were wearing hoodies and jeans as well as some extra masks that were laying around to cover their identity. 

"We just have to trust him, like he did us."   Everyone nodded slightly and Anxiety turned towards Stealth. "You make it down here ok?" He through his hands up indignantly as the group laughed.

"One time!"

"One time is enough."

"Shh shh he's coming." Loop interrupted. Anxiety rolled his eyes as everyone stiffended slightly. He played cool, but he was just as nervous. It's entirely possible that this was a set up, but this was a risk they were willing to take. If it did turn out to be a setup, it was probably only going to be Depression, Sleep, Mimic, Loop, and himself that will be punished because the others are young. Morality finished climbing down the ladder and turned to the group before him. 

"Holy shit." He whispered as he looked around the room. This wasn't a set up. They actually need help. 

"Uhm children?" Matthew said covering Pranks ears. The boy pushed him away.

"Oh please. Sleep has said worse."

"Damn right babes."

"Children..." Morality said looking at the two. "Jesus."

"OK seriously who the fuck is Jesus?" Anger asked. "Why does everyone say his name whenever something happens." Stealth face palmed.  Mimic turned to Morality.

"She grew up in a Wiccan family before all of this." 

"Alright we can talk about Jesus later." Sleep said. "The reason we came here is what we should focus on." Morality nodded and sat down at the empty seat next to Anxiety, who sat down when Anger asked about Jesus.

"Right. First lets start off with introductions. Morality this is the gang. We have Sleep."  He pointed to a young man wearing a T-shirt and ripped jeans. His dark brown hair was slightly messy, but kind of in a methodical way. He didn't seem to be wearing a uniform like the others, the only thing protecting his identity was extremely tinted sunglasses. Morality assumed this guy likes to live on the edge. Sleep took a long sip from his Starbucks coffee before waving to the hero.

"Hey babe, good to see you again." Morality made a weird face after being called babe but the girl who grew up in the Wiccan family reassured him.

"He calls everyone that."

"Damn right I do babe." One of the children covered their ears. Anxiety pointed to the kid that wasn't covering his ears.

"This is Missy. He's our youngest member and got here around 4 months ago. He's still in training and our hope is that he doesn't have to finish." Sleep gave the boy a gentle nudge and the boy timidly waved.

"N-nice to meet you, sir." Morality smiled at the boy.

"Anxiety calls me Ty. But my friends call me Dad." Morality winked and Missy relaxed the tiniest bit.

"Dad? Like Daddy?" Sleep asked. "'Cause I'll call you Daddy if you want me too boo." Sleep winked causing a mixture of irritated groans and chuckles from the group.

"Why.." The man in blue (Which Morality was pretty sure he recognized as Depression) groaned.

"Dude. Just shut up." Anxiety sighed. Sleep shrugged with a wide grin in his face. He was clearly amused.

"Fine, fine. Continue on." Anxiety shook his head forcing down a smile.

"This is Pranks. Came in the same time as Missy."

"Heya." Pranks waved. He was much more confident then Missy. Anxiety pointed to the girl next to him.


"Sup, bitches!" Her long brown hair was tied up into a pony tail but it still came down to her chest. Her uniform was tight fitting, yet movable and black with red designs.  Morality could only compare it to a costume found on Mighty Med. Anxiety once again moved his hand down the line to the man in blue.

"Depression." (Morality smiled to himself because despite his memory he remembered). His suite was much like Anger's except dark blue with black designs. He didn't wear a mask, but rather a bunch of makeup. Blue eye shadow drawn under his eyes like Anxiety's with wavy lines and gems on the sides of his face. His eye shadow was beautiful with a mixtures of dark and light blues, along with black. Morality couldn't help but wonder how long he spent doing that/

"Hello again." Depression greeted.

"Your makeup is so cool." Depression flushed slightly.

"Oh, uh. Thank you." Anxiety shook his head at his friend and continued down the line.

"Mimic." She smiled at the hero.

"I've heard a lot about you. Good things from these guys. Bad from my boss, but he hates everyone so don't take it to heart." Everyone chuckled. Morality then realised they didn't get out much to have a humor like that.


"I'm basically Sonic." Morality was going to question but Anxiety moved on.

"And finally Loop." Morality fought a smile. 






"God da- are you deaf?" Sleep interrupted.

"Oh! Oh. I get it. It was a loop." Loop clarified. Everyone had their moment of realization before 3 things happened:

1)Depression, Missy, Pranks, and Mimic started laughing.

2)Anxiety, Sleep, Anger, and Loop started groaning and shaking their heads.

3)Stealth started repeatedly smacking his head against the table.

Pranks pointed to Morality which drew everyone's attention.

"I like him."

"That was so bad." Stealth said now putting his head in his hands. Anxiety and Depression started laughing 

"Alright," Anxiety said gaining everyone's attention. "Now that introductions are out of the way lets get down to business."

"To defeat," Sleep started.

"The huns!" Sleep, Stealth, Pranks, Anger, and Depression screamed. Anxiety winced and covered his ears. 

"Jeez, ok. You guys all good now?" Everyone nodded with wide smiles on their faces. "Today is just the start we cannot organise an entire revolution in one meeting. We are gonna go over the plan we already have, get Morality's opinion on it see if we can spot any holes, possible ways to screw up and all that. We can present problems we find and solutions we come up with. Anyone may speak up at any moment. Even you kids. You might notice something we wouldn't even think about. Clear?" Anxiety asked. Everyone nodded. Morality figured he was used to being in charge. 

"Right then lets get started."

Identity (A Sanders Sides Superhero AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang