Before The Storm

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TW: Mentions of kidnapping, name calling (its used in a playful manner), Mentions of abuse, Mentions of divorce, unhealthy coping mechanism (am i calling myself out? mayhaps)

I almost forgot to put the trigger warning :/ My brain is everywhere today. This is kinda a bonus chapter doesn't really have much to do with the story line just a little get to know the characters. And if you can't remember which name lines up with which 'villian' for my OC's don't worry, i can't either. 

Jeremy threw himself onto his bed.

"If you break the bed I will kill you." Kira exclaimed as she calmly sat down on hers.

"Look man, i'm sorry," Jeremy said a half assed apology "but, it's finally happening!" He exclaimed.

"Soon," Remy smirked "I'll be able to go into Starbucks without  disguise." Remy flace planted into his bed slipping into a daydream about Starbucks,

"Uhm what about finally getting away from a psychopath that forces us to do bad things?" Sharazard pointed out. Remy looked up not bothering to look at her.

"yeah, yeah that's nice and all but STARBIES." He then faceplanted himself in his pillow again. Virgil rolled his eyes as his team mates got changed out of their outfits putting on normal clothes. "On a more serious note, " Remy's voice softened as his sat up crossing his legs. "What do you guys want to do after this? We always talk about getting out of this shit hole but we've never really talked much about what we would do."

"I don't even think we've ever talked about before we were kidnapped." Matthew added.

"So," Remy took off his sun glasses setting them on his bed. "who wants to go first?"

"Bubblegum." Virgil suggested. Everyone nodded before collecting in a circle. Virgil looked at each of his team mates. "Ready?" with nods from his team, Virgil began. "Bubblegum bubblegum, in a dish. How many pieces do you wish?" It landed on James who chose 15. AFter going around it ended up landing on him. He 'gah'd while his team mates laughed. He pulled one foot out and Virgil began the cycle again.

Jeremy got out first followed by Remy, Virgil, James, then Matthew. Sharazard and Kira both had one foot in.

"Alright taking bets!" Remy exclaimed. "Tonights bag of potato chips." He picked his glasses off hos bed slipping them on.

"Hell yeah!"Matthew exclaimed. "Put my bad on Kira!" Remy marked him down.

"I'm going for Shar." Jeremy said holding up one of his fingers like he was in a very small auction or ordering a drink from the bar.

"Same." James added. "How 'bout you Rem?"

"Oh honey, I'm not stupid. Kira is gonna win this one."

"Yee of little faith." James mumbled.

"How about you, V" Matthew asked.

"You kidding? I'm not risking my precious potato chips on a bet."


"Come on, V."

"Don't be a wet blanket."

His team continued to pick at him.

"Ok, ok. Damn. Put me for Shar."

"Looks like I'll be getting your chips, ey?" Matthew nudged Virgil who rolled his eyes.

"Haven't lost a bet to date, remember?"

"Kira has't failed me yet either."

"So it looks one of our streaks will be lost then, huh?" Virgil crossed his arms. Jeremy's hand shot up.

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