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"This isn't how I thought I would be spending my day off," Roman whispered helping move rubble from one pile, into another smaller pile. Logan then picked up a rock from the smaller pile and threw it into the truck, which had pulled up a few minutes before. 

The streets were crowded with workers, volunteers, police, firefighters, paramedics, and any other clean up crew in the area. It had been a few hours since the fires were put out and it was almost sun down. Our heroes had only had 4 hours of sleep the night before and was running on coffee, adrenaline, and pure luck. 

"Yeah well that's how the cards were dealt. " Patton answered kicking a small rock out of his way. They had all hands on deck, so not only were there civilian workers but also superhuman ones. Patton was grateful for the help, because super strength really made cleanup faster. Super strength was still a fairly common power, to the point where there was speculation that it was a spectrum and people could have varying degrees of it. Even if it is common, it is still a pretty cool power to have and Patton certainly wished he had it at this moment. He rolled another rock out of its crevase and hoisted it up with a groan. He waddled over to the truck using all of his power not to drop it.

"Here," Roman offered taking it from him with ease and rolling it to the man on the back of the large truck. Patton nodded greatfully, trying to catch his breathe. They continued to work  for about 20 more minutes before Patton's buzzer thing went off again. He turned it off and the turned to Logan and Roman who had been watching him. 

"From the shelter." He lied. "Most of the others are injured or to scared to go." He whispered. " I have to check up on them." Logan nodded.

"We got the green light to go home. So if you get done past 9 just come home." Patton nodded and then flew away. Logan and Roman ( or rather Logic and Prince) could come up with an excuse for him if need be. 


Hey guys. Sorry I know that deserve way better than this I mean 300 words? You really don't deserve that kind of shit, but I'm not feeling the best tonight and I wanted to get something out, so I wasn't blowing you off. I'm super sorry for the short chapter. Next week we will be back to our regular length chapters. I also apologize if the storyline doesn't make sense right now, I strayed a bit from what I was originally planning on doing so now i'm trying to get back on track. So I hope you all have a wonderful night. I'll see you next week.

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