Meeting 2

112 5 2

TW: Disassociative episode,

Hey! I'm back!! Thank you guys for putting up with me! I'm really excited to be getting back into things. I have plans for the pacing and how i want this story to go and I have 2 of my closest friends proof reading the chapters for me now! So hopefully with their constant nagging and my newfound motivation i will be able to give you guys the update quality and regularity that you deserve!

This chapter specifically talks a lot about mental health. I'm trying to interpret how it affects me, but wording how I feel isn't really my strong suit. Please remember that mental illnesses affect everyone differently and we all have different reactions to them. Just because it doesn't affect you in the way that is described it doesn't mean that I am making it up or some other crap like that. Please be respectful of others.

Morality raced through the empty streets as fast as he could. Sleep had warned him about this and he knew this probably wasn't the last of it. He decided to give himself a boost with his power to speed it up. He bent forward slightly because of aerodynamics which helped as well as the boost from his gifts. It didn't take him long before he flew up to the window and tiptoed at neck breaking speed across the old floor. He was in such a rush that he almost lost his footing on the ladder a few times. When he got down after what felt like an eternity he whipped around and his heart dropped. Anxiety was sitting on the chair looking more tired then he thought anyone could feel. Sleep had a hand on his shoulder no doubt keeping him from falling over. Everyone looked at Morality with both fear and relief.

"What..." Morality whispered. "What happened to him?" He looked over at Sleep.

"Last night happened." Anger answered. 

"Don't worry to much," Depression started "It happens sometimes."

"This has happened before?" He asked in shock. Sleep shrugged.


"It's never been this bad before though." Mimic added.

"What is it?"

"Dissociative episode." Depression sighed. " What happened last night must have overwhelmed him. To be honest everyone's episodes are triggered by different things, and I'm not sure what part of what happened triggered him."

"You didn't see the city.." Sleep said shaking his head. His eyes were glued on Anxiety who still sat silently in the chair. He was staring at the table although he clearly wasn't with them.

"Is he going to be ok?" Morality asked slowly, almost afraid that the words would shatter him.

"Eventually." Depression mumbled.

"Right now he's going through the worst of it, though." Mimic added. Morality stood silently and looked around the room. Sleep was still supporting Anxiety who looked more drained by the moment, Depression and Mimic glanced at him with worried gazes. Anger and Loop were quietly whispering to eachother, although Morality noted the pain in their eyes when they looked up at him with a small smile.

The more Morality met up with them, the more he wondered how he ever thought they were evil in the first place. He didn't know them much, but he truly believed that they were trapped as they had said. He looked over at Anxiety again, and felt nothing but pure hatred for who had done this to him. And he silently vowed to himself that he would do whatever it takes to get Anxiety and his team out of there. He looked around the room again and noticed that Pranks and Missy weren't there.

"Where are Pranks and Missy?" Morality asked breaking the silence.

"Left em home." Anger said.

" I didn't want to risk them seeing the city. They have no idea what went on yesterday, and I plan to keep it that way for as long as possible." Sleep said. Morality nodded slowly. Anxiety took a shaky deep breath in and started looking around.

"M-Morality." He whispered. Morality offered a small smile.

"How you doin', kiddo?" He didn't say anything, instead just shaking his head. He turned to Sleep.

"When did we get here?"

"15 minutes or so." he answered.

"You feeling alright mate?" Depression asked.

"Not really but it will pass." Depression nodded.Anxiety turned back to Morality.

"You here to arrest me?"

"If I were going to arrest you I would have brought back up. Plus I would have done it when you were in no state to fight back." Anxiety cracked a small tired smile, but said nothing more.

"We need to do something soon," Mimic said pulling a knife from her boot and flipping it between her fingers. " Boss is getting more active. Something of that magnitude hasn't happened since the organisation first started up."

"Thats exactly what I was thinking." Morality agreed.

"We need to give Anx time to heal though. He's a major part of the plan." Depression said. It was clear in his voice there was no room for arguing.

"We will meet here next week usual time." Sleep said, stepping in as temporary leader. "We wont be able to make an offical plan without Anx, but we can start brainstorming."

"I'm right here." Anxiety mumbled. Mimic smiled.

"Alright it's settled then." Morality agreed.

"And Ty," He looked over at Depression. " It might be time to get some other people involved as well."

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