The Hunt:Part 1

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TW: Remus, mentions of death, panic attack,

"Ugh you have to leave?" Matthew asked as he watched Virgil grab his uniform and mask. The room was dark so he really had to squint.

"Unfortunately yeah." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"But it's like... 2 in the morning." Sharazard groaned from her bed.

"2:30, actually." Virgil corrected. 

"Why is he having you go out so late."

"To 'Continue to strike fear into the hearts of all that dwell this city.'" Virgil mocked. Honestly, if Virgil had to guess, it was that his boss was on crystal meth 24/7. 

"Sounds lovely." Remy (literally) rolled out of bed and walked up to the anxious side. The party decorations from earlier that day were still hanging up, everyone being too tired to clean them up after the several hours of party games and food. Robert and Cody had gone back to the training barracks at around 9:30 (the usual 'bedtime' for trainiees was 8:00, but once again Remy somehow managed to get passed that rule). Without the kids there, the group continued to party although less of an extreme. They played more adult versions of games like Would You Rather and Truth or Dare. "You gonna be ok? I mean at full power you can take them down easy but you are exhausted." Virgil waved him off.

"I might not be at full power, but neither are they remember?"

"Unless they have a night team standing by."

"Well if things start to look rough I'll just mosey my way on out of that alright?" Remy looked skeptical at first but eventually nodded. 

"Alright well have fun. And if you can pick me up a caramel frap please?" Virgil rolled his eyes.

"I have no idea what that is or where to get it." Remy sight dramatically.


"See you guys later, I guess." Everyone half heartidly waved to him and rolled over trying to sleep. When Virgil opened the door, Remus was standing outside the door with the same sadistic smile he always wore. 

"Hello, Virgil." Virgil gave a small uneasy smile to the man. 

"Hey, Remus." Remus was Deceit's boyfriend and was usually at his side at all times. He rarely ever came to deliver news or to give anyone a job. So to see him here, was surprising to say the least. Virgil glanced wearily at the mace rested on his shoulder. 

"Aren't you excited." 

"Super stoked." Virgil answered closing the door, as to not disturb his friends sleep any more than he already had. 

"Did De tell you everything you need to do?" Virgil shook his head and had to force himself not to take a step back when a wider grin broke out onto his face. He was physically bouncing in anticipation and a tight ball formed in his stomach.

"Me and you, buckaroo, are going on a hunt!" Remus exclaimed before grabbing Virgil's wrist and dragging him down the corridor.

"W-what do you mean a hunt?" 

"Well it's exactly like it sounds like you silly billy. We go into the city, kill some people, burn some stuff down, kidnap some people. No one has been properly terrified since you took over. And since these hero's seem to stop you, he asked me to help you tonight." The knot in virgil's stomach grew as all the blood drained from his face. He stumbled slightly though Remus didn't slow down. 

Kill people. People were going to die tonight. People with lives and families and reasons to live were going to take their final breath because.. because of some selfentitled snake decided that he gets to choose who lives or who dies? Virgil suddenly had a hard time breathing. His throat closed up and his eyes watered blurring the corridor in front of him. The only thing keeping him from collapsing was Remus' hand on his wrist urging him forward. It was only a few more seconds before Remus stopped.

"Get changed." Remus commanded giddily, still slightly bouncing. Virgil swallowed thickly, and took a few uneasy steps into the bathroom. It looked like a public 'family' bathroom and had a toilet and a sink with tons of open space. The only difference was this one had a small cabinet for washcloths. He shut and locked the door behind him and immediately fell to the ground in a pile of tears and mute sobs. 

If nothing else, he learned one thing here: Don't let anyone know your weakness. 

Virgil trusted his team with his life and even still, unless it was absolutely necessary, Virgil would rather keep his problems to himself. He cried, about the lives that would be taken, the hearts broken, and about the unfairness of it all. What did he do to deserve this? What did anyone do?  He didn't know how long he was there crumpled on the floor, however long it was, Remus was starting to get impatient. He slammed his hands on the door the noise echoing down the empty hallways.

"Hurry up in there Virgil." He said in a sing-song voice. "We don't want to keep Deceit waiting do we?" 

Just what Virgil needed on top of a panic attack, more panic. Virgil quickly wiped his eyes and stood up quickly, his eyes going dark for a few moments fro the sudden movement. He ignored the minor headache that set in and wiped his face clearing away any extra tears and snot.He took a deep breath. And another one, just for good measure. He grabbed a clean washcloth from the cabinet and scrubbed at his face. He did the speadiest round of  base makeup he had ever done before closing his eyes and letting a shadow form his mask. The shadow solidified, creating what appeared to be black eye shadow. He quickly, but carefully, stripped down and threw on his uniform. He looked at himself in the mirror, he shrugged deciding it was good enough and unlocked the bathroom room. Another deep breath, and then he pulled it open. Remus turned to him, and looked him upside down before licking his lips.

"Oh we are gonna have some fun tonight." Remus grabbed Virgil's wrist again and they were off.


"Hello, Virgil." Remy immediately tensed when he heard that voice. It was creepily smooth, yet had a rawness to it that only a psychotic asshole could pull off. 

"Hey,Remus." Virgil greeted back, although Remy could tell Virgil was just as surprised to see him. 

"Aren't you excited." 

"Super stoked." Virgil's bland reply. Remy couldn't help but grin slightly. The door latched quietly and Remy slightly cursed. If Remus was here that couldn't be good news. He slowly got out of bed and tip toed over to the door pushing his ear against it. 

"Me an...aroo...nt"Remy narrowed his eyes. The walls were thick, and even though Remus was hardly being quiet, he wasn't shouting either. The voices were to muffled to really make out a comprehensible plan, but he knew whatever it was,it  was trouble.  

"What is it Rem?" Matthew whispered. Remy quietly shushed him and pressed his ear back up against the door. He heard their footsteps getting softer and cursed slightly.

"I'm not sure but we can't just sit here." Remy concluded.

"What do you want us to do?" Jeremy asked.

"Everyone get your emergency thing." Remy said walking over to Virgil's drawer and pulling it open. He sighed in relief when he saw it sitting there. Everyone climbed out of bed grabbing their 'emergency thing'. 

"You want us to go to an emergency meeting?" Matthew asked.

"No, all of us sneaking out is to dangerous. I'm going to warn Morality."

"What are you warning him about?" Sharazard asked. Remy made eye contact with her, his sun glasses still sitting by his bed.

" I don't know."

"Are you sure about this Rem?" James asked. Remy nodded. 

"We have to give them some kind of warning." James nodded. Remy sighed. "Ready?" Everyone nodded and Remy pressed the emergency button.

"See you on the other side."

Identity (A Sanders Sides Superhero AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang