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  Eyelids fluttering open you let out a groan. You instantly recalled what happened the previous night and buried your head into a pillow, you thought you made a fool of yourself. You closed your eyes tight. Silently telling yourself that you'd just be taking a mere 5 minute snooze.

Those 5 minutes turned into 5 hours.

It was now 1 am. You were rolling over in your bed and swore you could see the hazy silhouette of Elios putting on his clothes causing you to immediately turn around to face the white wall behind you.

" You should get up Y/N " Elios's voice broke the silence. You quietly huffed, sitting up. That meant he'd for sure saw you looking at him.

" Why? I didn't think i'd have any plans today. " You looked confused. Elios smiled, finishing buttoning up his white shirt. " Great because i was thinking you could join me, i'm going to the bakery to go eat some sweets or so. Come along? " He quavered, his blue eyes meeting your E/C ones.

You felt your heart skip a beat before nodding.

" Yeah sure, let me get up and take a shower and i'll be ready in no time. " You insisted with a cheerful smile. Elios stared at you for a moment before flashing a cheerful smile as well, revealing arrays of dazzling pearly white teeth.

" Your smile is very contagious, Y/N. " Elios complimented you before sauntering over to the kitchen. You blinked, your cheeks instantly heated up. You walked over to the dresser, kneeling down to pick out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Something casual.


Your hair was put up in a bun with a few loose strands hanging on the side of your ear. You put on your clothes and headed out of the bathroom and to the kitchen and you were immediately hit with this pleasant aroma that made your mouth instantly water.

He'd made breakfast for you. A small smile of gratitude formed upon your lips.

Elios was patiently waiting for you to get out of the shower but before hand he had began to make some bacon and eggs. Elios knew that you'd be hungry when you woke up and decided to make you something to hold you until they made it to the bakery.

With you in mind, he thought of your adorable happy smile you had on your face when he mentioned food to you. It was the cutest thing. Elios's attention drifted over to you walking into the kitchen and watched that same smile forming onto your face once again.

" I thought you would be hungry so i fixed us breakfast. " He explained to you, setting down two plates on the table. " Thanks, i didn't know you were such a good cook! " You teased.

" But I probably should of knew.. considering you worked at a bakery. " You murmured before picking up a fork and beginning to eat some of the delicious eggs. 

Elios shook his head, watching you eat for a moment before taking a bite of the food himself. Meanwhile a few minute past and they were about finished eating.

" I think i'll invite James if you don't mind? He usually goes with me everywhere. I promise he won't be a bother. " You explained. Elios nodded, " Yeah, i don't mind. Invite whoever you'd like, Y/N. " He replied with a subtle nod.

He truly wanted it to be just himself and you. A good chance to get to know you better, but he'd also enjoy getting to know the bestfriend. It might help him in the future.

You texted James and about 20 to 40 minutes he had arrived, knocking on the door. " Hey it's James. " He spoke. You were about to get up when Elios rose to his feet and headed towards the door, unlocking it and opening it. " Hey! " He greeted, reaching out his hand.

James looked down at his hand and blinked before walking in to the room. " We've already shook hands why do we need to do it twice? I don't see the logic in that. " James stated with that casual dull look on his face.

Not too good with manners, okay. Elios noted.

" Since everybody seems to have some energy i think we're ready to go. " You insisted, standing up. You didn't want James's attitude to upset anyone so you decided to change the subject before it did.

Elios nodded. " Off we go then. " He agreed, setting a hand on your shoulder before walking towards the door and opening and walking slowly down the plethora of stairs, waiting for you patiently. 

James closing the door and locking it behind them as he hustled his way down the stairs after you and Elios.


You sat down at the table, looking over at James who was on his phone as usual. Classic James you could say. " So what would you two like? I'm already decided on what im getting " Elios questioned. You thought for a moment. " I'll have anything with frosting and sprinkles on it, preferably a donut though. " You spoke.

Elios nodded, turning to James who looked oblivious. You doubted if he had listened. James lifted his head, running his fingers through his light blonde locks. " I have not a clue in the world what you just said so if you don't mind repeating it go ahead. " James hummed.

" Okay, well i was asking if you wanted anything from here. " Elios repeated with a gentle smile towards your friend. He has the patience of a saint!  No real person would be able to hang out with James without exploding but Elios was different..

READERS NOTE: This chapter is so short, gosh.  Anyways, opinion on James? He is an OC that my friend made and i thought it'd be nice to include him in the storyline.

If I Killed Someone For You. ( Elios x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now