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" So you stood me up.. fair enough. " Victoria sat down beside you, crossing her arms. A scowl plastered onto her face.

" Sorry about that, i wanted to spend time with my friend. I had so many things i wanted to tell and show him- " You came to a realization. You forgot to show Elios the drawing you made for him. You breathed heavily, calming yourself. You could always show him in the car.

" Oh. You mean that smoking hot white haired guy? " Victoria asked.

You felt anger well up in your chest, clenching your jaw. Smoking hot?

She wasn't wrong about that but it made you feel some type of way. Jealous maybe.
You nodded in response. " Oh sorry? Is that your boyfriend..? " Victoria questioned, tipping her head.

Fuming silently, you couldn't help but notice how much more attractive she was up close. " No. " You laughed it off, but you couldn't deny the envy that built up inside of you. You forced yourself to calm down. You and Elios were only friends and had only met a few days ago.

He can date anybody he desires and you don't have the right to butt in. You're just friends. You reminded yourself. " Great because i was thinking about talking to him. If you want me to be honest. You wouldn't have a chance with him, not looking like that anyway. " Victoria talked down to you with a sweet almost devious seeming smile.

What was wrong with this girl?

"  Yeah, your probably right. " You muttered, pushing a strand of your H/C strands away from your face only to have Victoria gently grasp your hand and hold it. Her soft hand laid gently aloft of yours as Hudson had did at the bakery.

" Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm not one to judge by looks. He probably is though.. " She cooed, stroking your hand. You gradually slid your hand away from hers, not intending to be rude but it was getting a bit awkward and you were growing uncomfortable.

Victoria didn't seem to mind, withdrawing her hand as well. " What i'm trying to tell you, shortcake. Is that i swing both ways~ " She whispered, her green eyes boring into yours.

Victoria straightened herself, flattening out her skirt. " Oh cool. " You responded with a forced smile. You weren't very sure of what she meant by ' swing both ways ' but decided it wasn't worth worrying about.

The blonde girl frowned, looking at you. " How about i tell you a bit about me and you can tell me something about yourself if your fine with that? " She suggested, thoughtfully.

You nodded. Anything to past time at this point.

" Okay so we'll for starters, I became friends with Macy and Mable in elementary. " Victoria began, her gaze dropping onto her lap.

" I was always introverted as a child, never had many friends as I always kept my distance. Macy and Mable talked to me each day and took me under their wing and we have been best friends ever since. I see them as family. " Victoria explained before looking up at you. " They mean a lot to me, though we've had our ups and downs. " She added bitterly with a roll of her eyes.

Maybe Victoria wasn't such a bad person after all.

" Anyways, Y/N what about you? " Victoria asked, looking at you with her curious captivating green orbs.

"  Well I'd say my childhood was decent. I don't have many friends that I've carried from elementary till now.. though I met James in middle school so I suppose that can count. " You went on, " He seems like a jerk at first but trust me he's a cinnamon roll. " You said, followed by a light hearted laugh.

Victoria smiled, looking down at her beautifully painted nails. They were green. You figured by now that was her favorite color. " Oh I think I've seen him around.. he's cute. Do you have his number? " Victoria asked, biting her bottom lip.

You blinked, a flustered smile forming on your face. " He's gay.. actually. " You scoffed, covering your mouth to hide your amusement.

Victoria scowled. " The cute ones always are.. " She hummed. " But as you told me that white haired fellow is still up for grabs hm..? " She whispered. Her words were prolonged and sounded oddly teasing. Victoria leaned in further, her face only centimeters from your neck. Without hesitation, she ran her tongue over your earlobe.

" I'm just kidding, not exactly interested in him.. in fact I have my eyes on someone much more desirable~ " Victoria insisted before withdrawing from your ear and sitting down as she was previously.

You heated up, face turning a deep red. You were a bit uncomfortable being in Victoria's presence. The girl had an odd aura and it felt like she was playing mind games with you.

You had to admit though, a part of you was most definitely curious about the blonde haired  girl. Victoria got up and waved goodbye. " Macy and Mable will be missing me. " Victoria said. " See you soon, darling! " She lowered her tone when the words ' darling ' exited her mouth.

" Bye-.. Victoria " You managed a farewell to the girl that had flustered you so much you were surprised you could get a single word out.

Little to your knowledge, Elios was lurking on the sinistral side of the building and observing you and the blonde haired student closely from afar.

Jealously sparked up inside of him as he watched Victoria coddle and touch you. He began calculating his next move, watching as Victoria disappeared into the building.

Elios's face was pale and emotionless.

He forced himself to turn around and walk off not wanting to risk the chance of you spotting him.

If I Killed Someone For You. ( Elios x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now