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Elios was not buying it but he preferred not to bug you about something you were uncomfortable with opening up about at the moment.

" Do you want to go home? I bet your hungry seeing as it's been more than a few hours. " Elios inquired with a worried expression. You nodded and got up from the bench, stretching.
It felt good to know you would be going home soon and could relax. The first day of college was surprisingly stressful for you.

Elios reached out his hand and you were puzzled for a brief moment before reaching out to hold his hand.

" So this is what friends do? " You asked sarcastically although your tone was ludic and giddy.

" Well, do you consider me only a friend? " He retorted slickly before he began to walk. You walked next to him, swinging his and your hand as you both headed towards the parking lot.

You gave him a death glare before fixating back onto the lot of cars in front. " Don't ask me that. " You said, almost defensively. " Okay. " Elios responded with a respectful nod. " I respect your wishes. " He put in.

" Don't start saying okay all the time, though. " You let out a prolonged whine. " That's James's thing. " You corrected him a simpering grin forming on your face. " It can be my thing as well. " Elios insisted, giving you a soft nudge in the side with his elbow.

You shook your head. " James wouldn't be pleased that your stealing his catch phrases now. " You warned. Elios took his keys out of his pocket and opened the car with the press of a button. " I'm shivering in fear. " Elios said teasingly.

He had a point. James wasn't at all scary. He looked soft & naive. Always.
Although, his attitude might be a different story.

Elios walked over to the passenger seat and opened the car door for you. You smiled thankfully at him and sat down in the car. Elios walked around the car and into the drivers seat. He started up the car and off the two of you went.

You were sitting in the car, staring blankly out the window as the car ride was rather quiet. You fiddled with your hands to see the digits of someones number on your hand. You sighed. Victoria's number.

What harm could it be?  You thought. You took your phone out and tapped in the numbers and texted her.

You:  It's (Y/N).

Victoria:  So i see you found my little surprise, (Y/N)!

You: Yeahh i did... though i cannot say i liked it though

Victoria: Oh what a shame..

Victoria:  So what are you doing right now, love?

You: On my way home, wbu?

Victoria:  I'm already home.

Victoria: By the way, (Y/N) I was thinking we should go out for dinner, me and you?

Victoria: Great! I've already got a restaurant in mind.

You:  Uh sure.. i'm always down for some food. Where?

Victoria: It's a surprise, darling!

You were so focused on texting Victoria that you hadn't realized you had arrived home. Elios tapped your shoulder. You clenched your jaw as you saw him look down at your phone that was ringing like crazy due to Victoria who was now on a spamming frenzy due to you not responding.

" Someone's famous. " Elios chuckled.

" Not exactly, just a girl i met at school. " You informed him, stepping out of the car. Elios closed the door and took out his keys and locked the car before heading up the stairs.

" Interesting. " Elios replied.

You nodded, turning your ringer off for your phone as the constant noise was getting annoying.

  Doesn't this girl ever take a hint?

Elios opened the door for you and you gladly stepped in. " I'm going to go take a quick shower, i'm exhausted. " You told him, setting your phone on a nearby table.

Elios nodded. " Okay, i'll be sure to make you something to eat when you get out. "

You smiled at him before picking out some comfortable clothes from your dresser. " You don't have to but thanks anyway. " You padded towards the bathroom and turned on the water and began your shower.

Meanwhile, Elios looked down at your phone. This was his chance. He had already spotted you with Victoria before and he was overall aware of how she acted towards you. It wasn't friendly. It was as if Victoria was flirting.

Elios picked up the phone and tapped in the password. He had been watching you each time you put in for moments like this.

He scanned over the messages, scrolling past the mess of spam messages you received from a annoyed Victoria.

Victoria: HELLO?

Victoria: (Y/N) ANSWER ME!


Victoria: (Y/NNN)

Victoria: (Y/N) PLEASE



He scrolled up to see what seemed like you and Victoria planning a date.
Elios began to type a response for Victoria.


Victoria: Gosh i thought you'd never reply!

You:  Would you like to meet up now? Send your location.

Victoria: Moving fast are we? Okay, darling it's sending.

If I Killed Someone For You. ( Elios x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now