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READERS NOTE: Welcome back to another chapter. Don't forget to vote if you haven't already.

Elios walked back to the table and slid you your orange Fanta. " Thanks! " You nodded briskly. He had an urge to question you if anything had happened while he was gone but reasonably, he didn't want to rise any of your suspicious that he was watching you while he was supposed to be getting the refreshments.

" No problem, Y/N. " Elios grinned. " Let's head home i don't want my boss to see me and ask if i can work extra hours " He'd tell you, adjusting his glasses.

That part was true, his boss would most likely ask if he could work extra hours. Although he was more worried with the dirty brown haired fellow that approached you.

" Good idea, i was going to ask if you wanted to watch a movie, i'm a huge horror fanatic. You don't mind horror movies do you? " You asked, standing up with your drink in hand.

" No i don't. Though i prefer books of the horror genre than movies. " Elios admitted, picking up his drink and walking towards the bakery exit.

" Reasonable i have to say, since most books have more detail than movies. In my case i prefer to see it with my own eyes. " You replied with a smile as they left the bakery and walked towards the car. Elios took out his keys and opened the car and held the door open for you " Go on. "

A red hue began to form on your cheeks.

" I appreciate it. " You thanked him and Elios replied with a brief nod. " By the way, when is your birthday? " You asked. " October 28th, we didn't really celebrate it though. " Elios responded blankly.

" Whose we? " You pressed.

" Well, Emma missed my birthday when we were together to go with Yohan and her friends on a field trip. I didn't mind though. My family never celebrated it either. " Elios notified.

You couldn't help but feel like Elios deserved better. He was so thoughtful, sweet and caring.
" Tell you what, you and i and with a possibility of James can definitely celebrate your birthday. It's coming up in three weeks! " You were bemused by the fact he failed to tell you sooner.

" Sure that sounds okay. " Elios looked over at you before focused back onto the bustling road in front of him.

You and Elios had finally arrived to the complex. He unlocked the car and you both walked out and headed upstairs before grabbing your drinks. " While we were in the car i was thinking of a movie we could watch, if you like to read like you said, you might of read the book already. " You grinned.

" Hm. Well what is it, Y/N? " Elios questioned, pulling his keys out of his pockets and opening the door, waiting patiently for you to enter. You walked into the room and Elios followed. " IT. " You replied, " It's about this clown, pennywise and this squad of kids called the losers club. " You said, pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. " I've read it, sounds like it'll be a promising movie. " He remarked.

Elios locked the door, setting the keys on a nearby desk. " Then i'll make some popcorn for us. " He insisted, " You can feel free to get the movie ready. " He suggested.
You grabbed the remote and set the TV on the IT movie, pausing it until Elios arrived.

You could hear the sounds of the popcorn gradually beginning to pop in the background and you had to admit it felt a bit chilly, rising up from the couch. You walked towards the closet and took out a large blanket for both you and Elios.

After a few minutes or so he came back with two bowls full of popcorn. It was heaven for your nose and about to be heaven for your mouth.

" It's done! " Elios stated, handing you a bowl. You took this as a indication to play the movie. 30 minutes into the movie it was like you and Elios were magnets, inching closer to one another. It's probably just the cold, you told yourself. You looked over at Elios and handed him some of the blanket.

Elios slid in closer to you. " We can warm each other up. " He suggested. You nodded in agreement, struggling to hide that coquettish that tugged at the side of your lips.

1 hour and 30 minutes into the movie and you saw Elios look down at his phone for the first time. You immediately thought the worst, maybe this wasn't the movie for him after all?

" I've got to head out somewhere, i apologize Y/N. " Elios murmured gently, standing up and covering you in the blanket. " It's completely fine, i understand.. but if you don't mind me asking when will you be back? " You blurted. Elios had a smile forming on his face, " Soon, i promise. " He assured you. " Don't wait for me. Continue your movie, Y/N. "

You sighed and focused back onto the movie.

Elios sauntered into the bathroom and slipped on a black hoodie and put on his contacts and setting his glasses on the wooden table. Once finished he picked up his keys from the desk and opened the door. " See ya soon Y/N. " He said his farewell before he walked outside into the chilly midnight air and pulled out a pair of gloves and a surgeon mask.

He took out his phone and looked at the clear photo of the unknown dirty blonde haired fellow. It was oddly familiar. Then it hit him, this guy worked at the bakery during the night shift.

" I guess it's just my lucky day. " Elios drawled, pulling up his hoodie and walking down the stairs. He was careful to not make much noise, not wanting to attract any attention to himself.


Elios leaned on the window of the bakery, hoping to gain a specific someones attention in order to lure him outside and he did. This man was falling into his trap like a blind mouse. Hudson opened the door and peered over his shoulder to look at Elios. " Hey buddy, it's late and i don't feel like making anything right now so scram. " He grumbled.

" Okay, well. Do you mind if i ask if you know Y/N? " Elios inquired, keeping his head lowered to the ground. " Oh, yes i know the little bitch, threatened to pepper spray me. " Hudson sneered, holding his head. " Look dude i don't have time for your little games. " He muttered, growing irritated. Hudson turned around and walked towards the door only to be grabbed by his collar and forced onto the ground.

Elios covered his mouth and pulled out a knife. Fear bubbled inside of the man and tears welled up in his eyes and Hudson started to thrash like a wild animal caught in a trap. Elios raised the knife and without hesitation he began to stab the man mercilessly, the sick metallic scent of blood filling the air.

He intended for this to look like a hate crime by one of his fellow night shift workmates so he proceeded to stab Hudson, who was certainly already dead. Eyes glazed and staring into nothingness.

He would place two fingers to the side of the mans neck, feeling for a pulse. He had to be sure, Elios would not be taking any chances. Elios stood up and took one look back at the gory and sick mess he left for someone to come outside and find.

He felt zero remorse. Not an inch of it. He did it for you, afterall.

READERS NOTE: Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter! I enjoy reading comments so feel free to comment till your hearts content.

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