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Elios picked up his own phone and took a quick photo of her location before deleting not only his own messages but the ones Victoria had sent to him as well.

He deleted the texting tab, making sure not to leave anything for you to be able to pick up his trail or have a clue that he was on your phone.

Elios set the phone down in the exact place and position it was previously, tilted sideways on the hard wood of the table and headed to the kitchen to cook up a delicious meal for you and himself.

If only you hadn't turned your notifications off you would be able to hear the frequent ringing and vibrating of the texts being sent.

You ran your fingers through your lustrous (H/C) locks. You stepped out of the shower and fixed your hair up into a messy bun.

You quickly put on an oversized white shirt that went down to your calves and a pair of green shorts.

You grinned giddily as you could smell the mouthwatering fragrance of dinner that Elios had put together for you himself.

You placed your hand on the handle, twisting it and walking out of the bathroom and abruptly turning to stroll your way to the kitchen.

Elios smiled warmly as he saw you arrive. " I think i've said this already but you're an amazing cook, Elios. " You complimented, ambling towards the fridge and opening it to take out two sprite soda cans.

You set one at the side of table Elios normally sits at and one for you on your side. You got comfortable in your chair before suddenly you remembered your phone.

You stood up and walked out of the kitchen. Elios's pale blue gaze watched you walk off in confusion before picking up the two plates off of the marble counter and setting them down on the table  neatly.

You walked over to the table you had set it on and there it was in the same exact spot.

You picked it up and tapped in your password. It was about time that you replied to Victoria.

You were starting to get a somewhat guilty conscience from ignoring her for so long.

You: I apologize for not replying, Victoria.

Victoria: Oh don't worry about it, it's no trouble at all..

Victoria: When are you coming over?

Victoria: I'm excited, darling~

Your face instantly flushed to a rosy red hue. What was this crazy girl talking about?
You had made plans to eat out with her tomorrow, nothing today.

You: Victoria.. i think you got the wrong person.

Victoria: Is this your way of calling it off, my love?

You:  Victoria. I never said i would go anywhere with you today. I'm exhausted.

Victoria: Awh, that sucks you got me all pumped up for nothing..

You: Yeah.. you should head to bed i think your delusional.

Victoria: Whatever you say, next time just tell me your calling it off! I don't bite much.

You stared at your phone for a second in irritation.

This girl was so intent on saying you had texted her when you knew for a fact you couldn't have done anything in that sort since you were just showering a few minutes ago.

You scoffed and made your way back to the kitchen to see Elios eating. " I was afraid you wouldn't be back soon and your food would go cold. " He said, his voice relieved. " I wouldn't let you eat alone. " You reminded him, picking up a fork and placing the food in your mouth.

Elios placed his hand on his cheek, tipping his head. " So you still interesting in getting a job because the bakery has some openings actually. " He informed before swallowing the food in his mouth.

" I still am. I would prefer to get a job when i actually get the swing of things in college. It's the first day and i have yet to feel like i'm going to get used to this new schedule. " You said with a sigh.

" Okay, well talk to me about it? What's going on? " Elios asked, clicking his tongue. " Nothing i just hate school. " You said grinning.

Elios looked at you with a blank, concerned face before chuckling as well.

" Fair enough. " Elios responded playfully with a shrug.

Once you two had finished eating he has suggested that you went to straight to bed and without hesitation you obliged.

You laid down in your bed only to see Elios's tall muscular figure standing over you. " Goodnight, (Y/N) " Elios murmured.

His voice sounded like a lullaby. Elios held the  covers in his hand and tucked you in before walking to his own bed.

You couldn't hide the coquettish smile that was tugging fiercely at the side of your lips at this as you closed your eyes and in a few minutes of overthinking you drifted off to sleep.

Elios was not heading to sleep anytime soon in fact, he was getting all geared up.

He put on the same black hoodie that was still stained with the blood of his previous victim, Hudson.

He put on a surgeon mask that was kept in the pocket of the hoodie.

This time he carried a backpack on his back that held a hammer. He usually didn't like to use items like hammers.

He had to in this case, he knew the police would somehow be able to connect that the murderer was using knives to commit his or deeds but he could throw them off if he used a different weapon and killed her quick and clean.

Lastly, he slipped some rubber gloves on his hands and stealthily walked out of the house and sauntered down the stairs slowly.

Careful, Victoria.. he's coming for you.

READERS NOTE: Thoughts about this chapter? Let's be considerate and pray for Victoria as well.

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