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You woke up, blinking sleep from your (E/C) eyes. You looked over to see a adorable Elios, resting peacefully. He was like an angel.

He was now wearing something completely different then what you remembered seeing him last in. He had on a white t-shirt now. Odd?

You reluctantly got up and made your way over to his bed and bent down slightly with your hands on your knees. " Time to get up we've got school and James needs a ride today so he'll be comi- "

" Helloo i'm here! " James yelled, knocking violently on the door.

You hustled over to the door and opened it. " Come on was all that necessary- i wouldn't be surprised if you gave Elios a rude awakening with all that noise. " You groaned, looking over your shoulder and gesturing to Elios who finally sat up.

" No it's no trouble, i should of been up long ago. " Elios nodded, standing up and walking over to shake James's hand.

James was about to protest about shaking hands with him but he felt as though he owed him this for waking him up so rudely. James hated being woken up himself so he couldn't imagine the rage he would feel personally if someone had did such a thing to him.

Elios abruptly pulled his hand away and scratched the back of his neck. " My fault, forgot you didn't like shaking hands. " He apologized. Elios dallied over to his dressers and pulled out a white button up shirt and a pair of light blue jeans.

James shrugged. " I was going to let it pass but suit yourself. " He replied cooly. He then looked over at you and gave you a death glare. " Now go get ready i don't wanna be too late. "

You nodded immediately and walked over to your dresser.

Meanwhile, James made himself at home. He sat on the couch and propped up his feet onto the stand. He turned on the TV and was shocked to see a picture of a beautiful blonde haired girl with the most captivating green eyes on the news. " Hey, doesn't she go to our school? " James pointed out, looking back at you.

You had picked to wear a black skirt and a white & black collared shirt. You slipped off your clothes and put on your new ones swiftly. You didn't mind doing such things in front of James. You two had pretty much grew up together, it felt.

You looked over at the TV screen. You froze in your spot as you saw the picture of the girl. Victoria and in the background was a white little dog with fur as white as snow. What you saw next caused your heart to shatter more than it already was from seeing the wounded animal.

It was Victoria. She was crying. You had always saw her as a strong and concealed type and never would of thought she would cry, not on camera that was for sure.

It looked like something off of a horror movie. " That's Victoria- " You spluttered.

" Uh who? " James asked, stupidly.

" Victoria, idiot! " You snapped, causing James to flinch slightly. He'd never seen you get upset over something on TV nor at him.

You face palmed, " I'm sorry. " You apologized. " It's okay..? You two know each other or something? " He questioned. You nodded. " Well i'm sure her and her dog will be fine. The dog just has a couple of broken bones and her.. i think she just wont be able to see anymore. " James smiled awkwardly.

James never was the comforting type. " Better to be blind than dead riiighhhht? " James added

You nodded and picked up your bag and sat down next to him. He wrapped his arm around you comfortingly.

You stared at the screen dully.

You didn't know why you were so upset. Why would someone attack Victoria out of all people?

She could be weird or irritating at times but overall she was going to be your first friend and she seemed rather friendly.

You breathed heavily.

She can still be your first friend at college. She's just blind now. Not a big deal. You reminded yourself firmly.

You could hear the light footsteps of Elios walking in from the hallway. He seemed to freeze in his spot as he looked at the TV screen. In a heartbeat, those usually soft and gentle blue eyes of his went ice cold.

Did him and Victoria have something going on together that you weren't aware of?

If I Killed Someone For You. ( Elios x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now