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You swallowed and stood up. " That's the girl I told you about earlier, she was attacked. " You explained briefly.

James was glued into his phone and had basically lost all interest in the news at this rate. James was just waiting for Elios to inform us it was time to get into the car and roll off.

Elios nodded, " I see- how bad is it? " He questioned, his hand shifting over his mouth.

That nervous habit again?

" Did you two know each other? " You instinctively blurted resulting in a troubled glance from James. You couldn't help but notice as James looked up from his phone he was about as red as a tomato but you merely brushed it off and planned to chat with him about that later.

You glared at him before looking up at Elios. A small subtle smile began to form onto his lips, " We do not, why do you ask? " He replied slyly.

You figured he was probably wondering if you were jealous. Which you were. How could you be jealous at such a tragic time was what bugged you the most..

You needed to get it wrapped around your head that the world did not revolve around Elios.

" No reason, I just kind of noticed you do that thing where you cover your mouth when your nervous so it kind of put me off a bit. " You told him, pushing a strand of your (H/C) away from your face.

Elios nodded. " I guess I'm not the only observant one here, am I? " He chuckled light heartedly, rubbing the back of his neck.

" Yeah, okay lovebirds I think I want to be on time for class today, if you don't mind? " James piped up in a surprisingly happy tone.

You nodded and headed over to the door, followed by James and Elios.

Elios took his key out from his pocket and opened up the door and you headed down the stairs and out to the parking lot.

Once you were all settled in the car you heard James speak up again. " If you don't mind.. sometime during lunch can we talk- that includes you Elios. " James requested. A rare smile visible on his lips.

Elios was the first to respond, " I don't have a problem with it. " He lied through his teeth. He wanted you to himself for today but it couldn't always go that way.

He was faking as if he actually attending this college after all. Elios had only got lucky you were too focused on the classes to view the date on the paper he showed you on the first day.

Not to mention, he also had some unfinished business with Victoria.

Ring ring!

Victoria:     Hey, I had an accident but you don't mind if we still have our dinner today.. I'd really like to see you, I mean that sarcastically since I'm basically blind since everything's just oddly hazy.

You:     Wow.. I can't believe you finally said something all In one single message. The injury must of really got you down.

Victoria: Not really, I know I'm lucky to be alive- so why would I be upset?

You:    Because you almost lost your life to another merciless human being.

Victoria:    Yeah, no big deal I still have my hero right here with me.

Victoria: Thanks to Polaris, I guess! If he didn't start yapping I would of never knew someone was breaking in!

You: Brave dog you've got but I'm surprised it's alive because of the injury photos on the news...

Victoria: Yeah, don't believe everything you hear on the news, sweet girl. They emphasize everything way out of proportion.

Victoria: ANYWAYYS, you can head over to the hospital once your done with your classes or whatever. I'll have my parents bring us a little something to snack on.

You: No need, but go ahead if you insist. See you there!

Victoria: Can't wait, darling!

You put your phone in your pocket. " Well I'm sorry to tell you two but I don't think I'll be able to see you guys at dining hall. " You started, " I'm going to go have dinner with Victoria. " You said apologetically.

Elios flashed a superficial grin, " It's fine, (Y/N). No worries, I'll see you at the house anyway... "

James rolled his eyes, " Okay, whatever I'll meet you at your house with Elios. I think this is something I should tell you together. " James huffed.

" Is it that important? " You pressed. James scoffed. " Yes! Well, to me at least " He grumbled.

" We're here, you're still kind of late James and I apologize for that. " Elios apologized calmly.
James didn't reply and stepped out of the car and began walking towards the building entrance.

" He's on his time of the month I guess? " You joked. Elios snickered, " probably. "

You two both thought you were out of ear reach until you saw James turn around and give you both the finger on each hand then shift back to where he was walking forward.

You and Elios looked at each other in shock for a brief moment before bursting into a fit of laughter.

READERS NOTE:  I'll be trying to get updates everything Wednesday!

If I Killed Someone For You. ( Elios x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now