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You and Elios had went your separate ways for the time being during classes. You couldn't help but realize you've never seen him in the hallways but swiftly reminded yourself that he did sign up to take his classes later then you so maybe that was the catch.

You finally reached your first class, Mrs. Shivaleer. You couldn't stifle the laugh that rose in the back of your throat as you recalled what happened just yesterday with James.

" (Y/N) What are you waiting for? Christmas? Go sit in your seat, child. " Mrs Shivaleer called and pointed to your seat.

You jumped in surprise before hustling over to your seat.

You noticed that James was missing. Didn't he say he didn't want to be late?

You were growing suspicious. What was so important to him that he would purposefully miss his first class and lie to you all in one?

You frowned for a moment and tried your best to focus on your work.

A few hours passed and you were about to get up but almost instantly received a death, warning type of glare from Macy and Mable.  You grinned back at them awkwardly and sat back down.

You had almost forgotten the rule Mrs. Shivaleer had in her room. ' The bell doesn't dismiss you i do ' You rolled your eyes mirthfully and waited for the cue.

" Okay, good job today! " Mrs Shivaleer began cheerfully. " Now get out of my classroom " She finished darkly.

The class got up and walked towards the exit one by one. You walked out after waiting for a few people to pass you. You paused as you saw Macy and Mable, the twins, waiting for you outside the long corridor hallway.

You knew it was probably about Victoria and and walked towards the building exit." Hiya ( Y/N)! " Mable spoke up, her soft voice quite cheerful and almost angelic sounding.

" Hi, i know what about the incident with Victoria if that was what you wanted to talk about. " You responded, not trying to be rude or anything but you were sort of in a rush. You wanted to get to your second period on time today.

" Yeah, well i can see your probably busy so we can talk about this at food court? " Mable clicked her tongue as she spoke.

" No promises, sorry i've got to go.. you two should too the bell is about 30 seconds from ringing. " You told them before hurrying back inside the building and up the stairs.

You finally made it to your second class. As soon as you made your way inside of the door the late bell rang. Just on time.

" Okay, welcome (Y/N) " Mr Tango greeted you with a smile and looked over at you. You smiled back in response and sat down.

" So i went over everyone's drawings and i saw some that needed some improvement on detail, improvement on color combining. Overall i'd say you are a very creative bunch. " Mr. Tango scoffed at his own comment.

You couldn't help but feel a little self conscious as you recalled the stick figure you made from Elios.

The stick figure..

You'd forgotten to show that to him as well.

You promised yourself that you would most defiantly get to showing him that sometime today.

You looked up at the teacher. He was really was one that looked like he'd been sculpted by the gods himself with a perfect jawline, beautiful eyes,  flashy smile and blonde hair.

It felt as though his eyes were boring into your soul but you knew you were probably just imagining it but it felt like every single time he would speak the two of you would lock eyes for a split second and he would drift his gaze to something else.

"  The best one i've seen so far has got to be this one though, made by Victoria Stiles. " He reached over and picked up a paper with a painting. It had two girls on it laying down on their backs in a meadow with locked eyes.

One of the girls  looked almost like the spitting image of you.

The other. It was her, you knew as soon as you saw it. You heated up with  embarrassment and facepalmed, hoping no one would make the instant connection that you did.

" It's absolutely amazing is it not? This looks like something that belongs in a museum. " Mr. Tango went on.

He set the paper back down onto his desk. You peered over at the clock and it had been about an hour so class should be ending in a minute.

You firmly grasped your bag, preparing for the exit. " Class dismissed, have a good lunch. " Mr. Tango called and as soon as he did so the students rolled out like a stampede.

You got up and began walking out when you heard a deep call your name.

" Not you, (Y/N). You'll stay here and chat with me for a bit. "

You halted before you turned around and walked into the room, the door shutting behind you

It was Mr. Tango..

But what did he want?

If I Killed Someone For You. ( Elios x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now