y/n's stand profile

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We interrupt your daily schedule of reading to give you the stats and a more in depth explanation of y/n Bucciarati's (aka you) stand

Stand name: Don't Stop Believin (Named after a Journey song)

Appearance: Takes on a humanoid shape with feminine proportions and petite in style. It appears to be paper white in color , with it's long "hair" being platinum blonde. It wears a cheongsam that's white with golden spirals on it. It also has two black lines that represent it's eyes, making it look like it has them closed.

Ability: Don't Stop Believin has the power to create illusions. The illusions will look just like the object or person it's pretending to be, but whenever someone touches it, the person's hand will go through the illusion. If the illusion is a human or animal, the illusion will copy exactly what the real person or animal is doing albeit in the opposite direction. However, if the user of Don't Stop Believin has a specific thing they want the illusion to do, it won't do the same thing as the real person or animal it's based on. The illusion can only be seen by whoever the user targets, but there is no limit to how many people can see Don't Stop Believin's illusions. There are drawbacks to the stand, as the illusion can only fully be seen by the targets if the user truly envisions the image in their head. When the user doesn't have the image of the illusion in their head, the illusion will fade away.

A: Excellent
B: Good
C: Average (can compare to a normal person)
D: Weak
E: Very Weak)

Destructive power: D
Range: A
Durability: C
Precision: A
Development potential: B

And now back to your regular scheduled reading.....

But in all honesty, tell me how the stand is. I've been reading the comments and saw that some people were theorizing what y/n's stand ability was. So sorry for disappointing you guys over what it really was (ノ'д`). Anyways, I really what to know your thoughts on Don't Stop Believin ,as I have big plans on what it can do in the future. Thank you again so much for the support and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

{ Don't you worry child } Bruno Bucciarati x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now