Chapter 6 A blind old man

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A strong wind blow over a day. 

Mitsuki is change her clothes into a white Victorian doll dress while Hoshi is wearing Victorian suits. They both now looks like a little barbie doll being alive just like the rest of them. 

Mitsuki spinning around and smiling happily as she love the dress. Hoshi is also look at his suits but he is feeling nothing and no word about it. 

"Hey, wanna go out with me?" Soon, Marcia open the door and ask her. 

"Can I? I don't know will Ayane-San will get mad again? I haven't fully recover......"

"Is ok! I know you will get bored in the medical room all day! Let's play with the others! You just need to be careful not to get hurt! There are still a lot of people you haven't know!"

"Sounds good! I'm in!" Hoshi is happy and go beside her. Mitsuki then follows them. 

"Don't worry! I will told Miss Ayane about that!" Marcia smile and grab their hand. "Now, to the hall!"


In the hall, all of the children are gather together and playing happily. Hana,  Hanako and Mayumi are skipping rope and counts the number of skip; Seiichi is lying on the sofa listening music with earphones and sleeping;One of the girl is sitting on the floor and reads book in front of the fireplace; Some of them are playing indoor games and the others are chatting. 

"There! All of the children are gather there most of the time. Now is the opportunity to knows all of them!" Marcia said happily. 

"Do you see Takashi?" Hoshi asks Marcia. 

"Takashi? He is not here." Marcia shake her head and said. 


"I don't know." Marcia said. "He is not always with us. " 

Mitsuki looks around to make sure  is he here. Unfortunately , she doesn't saw him. Then, she thinks then where will he been? 

Just then, an old man with tall nose and bald head is walking around. His legs is shaking and hands is sweeping around the air. Mitsuki looks at him curiously and wonder what is he doing. She walks near him to see what happens. 

Suddenly, the old man kick off a box and fall down. Mitsuki walk closer and held up him. 

"Thank you."the old man smile and said softly. Mitsuki support with his hand and surprised that his eye looks cloudy and paler. 

"Are you alright?"Hoshi ask. 

"Is it any hurts? Uncle Yamamoto?" Marcia ask worried. They come closer to him and look for him. Everyone are silent and looks at him too. 

"I am fine. Kids, don't worry me." Koutaro still smiling and look forward. Mitsuki takes him to a chair and sit down. 

"Where is your crutch?" Kichiro said. "You supposed need to carry it!"

"I can't find it. I almost find it everywhere, my bedroom,the kitchen and here. I just can't find it." Koutaro said it slowly and sadly. 

"It's ok! We can help you to find it!"Masaru said. He turn around and said to anyone"Everybody! Let us find his crutch!"

Everyone are agrees his opinion and said together"Okay!" Then, they separate their ways to find it. 

"Thanks, kids. You are all my great children!" He said it loudly when everyone goes and also merrier. 

"We will help you find it ASAP! So don't worry so much!" Marcia said to him before she gone away. Koutaro smile and nod his head. 

Mitsuki takes up the box. She take a look and found that the box is a little bit cracked and the bottom is a golden insect but the middle is a hole that looks like need to put something. She took it to him and ask Koutaro"Is it yours?"

"Hey,where do you found it?" Koutaro after touching it and said it delightful. 

"Just now,the thing you kick off." She said it embarassing. 

"Anyway,thank you,girl. Now,I just want you do a favour." Koutaro said. "Do you saw a statute that is on the east?"

Mitsuki then looks around the hall and saw a statue on the east of hall and answer" Yes."

"Great." Koutaro smile." Now,go closer to it." Mitsuki then follows his order and go closer to the Angel statue. 

"Now,girl. Turn her head to the left side." Koutaro give her order. She then follows his order and turn her head. 

The statue left side of her chest open and found a shaped circle of Ruby. She climb and grabs it then turn the statue head back. 

"Good." He nod his head. "Such a clever girl! I like you." He pat her head when she give him the Ruby. 

"Thanks." She smile. 

"This is the key of the box." He said it slowly. "Or I can say, this is my personal secret and safest box?"

"Let me help you. "Mitsuki grab the box and help him to put the Ruby inside the hole. 

"Tick." The box appear a sound as it is unlock now. She then open the box and it found that there is a stone that shaped like a sun. 

"The missing pieces!" Mitsuki shocks when she saw it. 

"Yep. It is. Now,this is your gift,for a clever child!"

"Thank you!" Mitsuki delighted and thanks him. 

"Uncle Yamamoto! We found the crutch!" Masaru shouts when he and the gang go back to him. Hoshi is took it back to him. 

"Thank you! You are all my good child!" Koutaro smile. "You can go back now."

"Our pleasure!" Hanako smile back to him. They all laugh and then go back and continue playing. 

"Excuse me, uncle Yamamoto."A boy have a dark blue hair and dark purple eyes called Seiichi ask him. "May I know what is inside the box?"

"...It is nothing,boy. You will see it is blank inside." Koutaro opens the box and of course inside is nothing. 

"Oh, I thought it is something useful. Sorry to bother you." He then turn around and walk away. 

"Girl, I have something to tell you before you leave." Koutaro said to Mitsuki. "Please don't tell anyone I give you the missing piece to the the 'door of life'. The secret now is just you and me!"

"I will."Mitsuki nod her head and walk away. 

When she go back to the "children's gathering", Hoshi run in front of her and asked "Hey,sis, where have you been? You didn't follow us to find the crutch just now!"

She is confused at the time and remember that the old man said she need to kept secret. She replied" I just chit chat with him."

"Then,alright. Let us play with them!"Hoshi grab her hand and way to a group of child. 

Suddenly, a gray hair with lavender colour eyes, taller than Mitsuki and Hoshi hit them accidentally. She is furious looks at them but then she gasps. 

"I know you!" She point at Mitsuki. "You little bitch! "

"But I don't know you! Who are you?"Mitsuki is a little bit nervous as she saw her grumpy face and she stay back. 

"We haven't met before! How did you know her? "

"How pity you,of course we met before!Don't you not recognised? I am Niijima Harita,your cousin!"

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