Chapter 20 Door of life

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This is the secret door, Door of Life. 

The first one is call Hope from Koutaro

The second one call Destiny from Kaneshiro

The key called Dream from Kumi

The fourth one call Success from Shiro. 

The fifth one call Peace from Sachiko

The sixth call Friendship from Hewix

The last one call Passion from Ayane. 


The secret door appear a loud painful scream and knock the door loudly over and over again just like the usual.

They all arrived front of the secret door and took up all the missing pieces they gather. 

"It's time to reveal the truth! "

They put the missing piece together and the door open automatically. 

They go inside and look around. They saw nothing but just a place full of Helleborus Niger and a glass window. 

"Jeez, is it really nothing there? "Hana sigh. 

"Oh, crap. I don't believe it just like that. We really wasted our time! "Hanako said with dissapointment. 

"But I doesn't think it looks easy. "Seiichi look around and try to find out something different. 

Suddenly, they heard Marcia screaming. 

"What's wrong? "Hoshi ask. 

"...look... Look up! "She said with a trembling voice. They all look up and they also get shocked and their eyes full of trembling. 

They found out the ceiling was hanging many head. They found out there have all of familiar face up there. 

"It can't be!! "Hoshi is being scared. He get closer to Mitsuki and hold her sleeve. 

"So... They are... Dead? "Marcia is scared too and also frustrated about that. 

"So that's why we can't see them? "Mayumi is sad as she can't believe that. 

"Where's Kumi? "Mitsuki said calmly when she calm down. "I don't see her... Head... "

"So she is the evil cruel woman!! She kill all of them!!! "Hana is angry. 

"She need to paid this! "Seiichi is clenching his fist tightly and upset about that. 

"Well done, kids. You all know the truth. "A woman sound appear. "But I don't like busy-body kids. "

They all get shock and turn around found that there's a skeleton woman appeared on them. Her one eye is lost an eyeball and her white on eyes turned black. 

" Ku.. KUMI?! "Marcia shocking to see her gruesome face. 

"How not polite are you! Such a bad child! "She is angry at once but then she smile. "But it isn't important cause you all will won't gone~"

She lock the door and swallow the key. She smile and sneering at them. They all speechless gaping, don't know what should they do. 

"You can stay here if you know nothing. But now, you all should die!! " Kumi took out a dagger at them and grinning. 

Everyone are trembling with fear. Screaming and running around as she is try to stab at them. 

They try to avoid the danger but she is too fast! She is laughing happily and upbeat, swing her knife randomly. 

This make many of the children get hurt. Seiichi is being scratch face by dagger. Mayumi and Marcia are being cut off her hair short. Hana is scratch her left hand while Hanako is scratch her right hand. 

Most importantly, Hoshi's left leg is fracture because he use too many energy to run and fell down. Kumi appoarch him and want to stab him. 

No! Hoshi!!! 

Mitsuki notice it. She run forward to him and fell down at him to protect him. And Kumi's dagger stab at her back! 

"Mitsuki!! "

"Sister!! "

Everyone are being shock and stop their step. 

"Haha! Now there's one to die! "Kumi is happy and looking at them. 

No! I can't end up like this! 

Mitsuki try to figure out what she can do. Then, her view stop at the window. 

Maybe we can escape although the opportunity is small. 

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