Chapter 18 The last missing piece

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In the evening, they reach in front of the door that is colour sky blue. Beside the door is a fingerprint scanner to go inside. 

"Thanks you join me. "Harita sigh ." I see most people the people doesn't have to join me. I think I almost need to do with myself. "

"We are friends, aren't we? "Mayumi smile to her. "Of course we need to stick together. "After she finish her word, she knock the door and it open automatic. 

"Wow! I don't know it work! "Harita shocked. 

"Well, I just saw Madam Kumi use that. "Mayumi said. Harita is understand now and nod her head. 

They go inside and explore it. The room is full technology and scientific materials. 

"Mr. Yamamoto! Are you here? "Mayumi is shouting to call him out. While she stop, she saw Ryouto is walk by. 

"Hey!Did you saw him?" Harita ask. 

"He is not here. "Ryouto answer. 

"We need-"

"The missing piece for him to open the door, right? "He said. 

Oh shit! How did he know?! 

Harita is shocking and think it is impossible. 

"Because I just know. "He said." I already know all your plans. "

"So?  What are you gonna do to us next? " Mayumi still smile to him but become more alert. 

I will piss you out and break your bones into two if you want to bully us~

"... Do you think I look so bad? "He make a serious face and look at them. They started shivering and don't talk to him. 

"Well... Just don't waste your time ." He said. "Because I already get it before he leave. "He took up the missing piece from his science jacket pocket and show to them. 

The missing piece is steering wheel on boat  and it has a sapphire crystal on the middle. 

"Oh, really? Well, I hope so. "Harita want to take it but his hand stretch higher and said" Promise me don't talk to him. "

"We will. "Mayumi smile happily. He give it to them and Mayumi take it. 

As she take it,there is a man voice from far away appear "Wow! You done a great job then. But I won't let you all do that."

They were shocked. He turn around and they look behind him. As a surprised, Kaneshiro is back!

He is not furious but smile gruesome at them. He walk forward to them and they walk back to don't approach him. 

"Don't try to hurt us! "Ryouto shout at him furious. 

"Afraid of me now? Then why you have those courage to do that? "

"You shouldn't need to know that. "

As he finish his word, he throw a corrosive acid to his eyes from a table. Kaneshiro is yelling painful while Ryouto grab their both hand to run away as quick as lightning. 

"Don't run away! You shouldn't do that to your father, Ryouto! "He yell at him. 

"No, you are now my experiment product because you don't accept me. "He smile again. 


"It's everyone okay? We gotta open the door now." Everyone are gather in their bedroom . Mitsuki is asking all of them to make sure all are fine. "Where is Takashi, Kichiro and Masaru? "

"Don't know. "Marcia is worried. "Is they fine? I am afraid they never come back. "

"Don't say anything negative. Maybe they just haven't take it. "Hanako pat her shoulder and said. 

"Hoshi and I already find them all around the Manor. "Seiichi said. "We just found that the missing piece... No, a key! "

"For real?! Are they lost? "Hana gasp. 

"Then what should we do? "Hoshi ask Mitsuki. 

"We just wait Harita and Mayumi come back first. "She said it calmly. "Then we will check back the secret door, I think this is the last place we can find them. "

While she finish, Ryouto and others run inside the room and panting. 

"What happened? Why you both like that?" Seiichi ask. 

"We just run from Kaneshiro. "She said and panting. She  accidentally push the vase with fake flowers. It fell down and fell foul of soil and an eyeball shining red light. 

They all shouting except Mitsuki and Hoshi but they were all scared when they saw it. 

"What the he'll is that?!" Hana shout with fear. 

"Lime green eye... "Ryouto stare at it for a while, but then he seems like realise something and say it worried and nervous "Sister!! "

He open the door and rush outside to find her. Mitsuki is look for the eyeball and she saw the eye is reflected them like a mirror.

"It seems like a CCTV. Maybe they already know our action. " Hoshi said.

"So what? We success . "She said. 

While Mayumi is want to hug Harita as she want to reduce her fear. She hug her but when she turn her head she saw she is hugging Mitsuki. She stay back and try to looking for her but she didn't saw her. 

"Where's Harita? "Mayumi ask nervous. 

"I already ask you! I thought you know !" Seiichi said. 

"What's gonna happening? "Marcia ask it afraid. 

"We gotta find them in the secret door! "Hanako said. 

The sky turn dark like a Raven again. The secret door started appear a loud painful scream and knock the door loudly over and over again just like the usual. 

But don't worry, the truth is getting closer and get ready to solve now. 

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