Chapter 16: Moping Around

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Hello! Another short one for today! I wanted to try to drag it out for as long as possible! Enjoy!

May 2021 Update: Just a little bit of editing! :) 


Munching away on my second bag of chips that Liam had dropped off before they left for the day, I turned on my third movie, Mamma Mia. This is how I have spent my day. I can't leave my room because, at this moment, I can't be trusted not to do anything stupid even though I did not post that god damn picture in the first place. This, however, is my punishment.

The opening sequence begins to play on the TV when my phone rings. I mute the TV before answering my phone, "Hello?"

"How are you doing?" I hear Gabriella say through the phone.

"Everything with Simon went alright, he is not kicking me out of the competition, and is going to be looking into who could have possibly done this," I reply as I take another hand full of chips and shovel them into my mouth.

"That's good! I told you it would all be alright."

"Well, not everything is alright," I sigh, "Niall thinks I used him for likes on Instagram because it's not the first time something like this has happened to him, so he's, how do I put this, extremely upset about the matter."



"What do the boys have to say about it? Do they believe you that you didn't do it?" Gabs asks as I hear her rustling with something.

I roll over on to my stomach, facing away from the tv, "They all believe that I would never do anything like this, or intentionally use Niall for fame," I say as I take a sip of my drink before continuing. "All of them just told me to wait it out basically and hopefully Niall will come around to seeing it the way they do. In the meantime, I just hope Simon can figure out who did it so I can prove to him that it wasn't me."

"I hope so too, Char, this whole situation is ridiculous," I hear her say through the phone. "Well, please keep me update hun, I miss you, and I want the best for you, and I know how happy you are with Niall. Hopefully, he can look past this situation."

I sigh, "Yeah, me too."

We say goodbye, and I go back to watching Mamma Mia until I notice that the boys will be doing their talk show soon, so I switched the channel to watch.

"Up Next, they have returned to the stage as a band after five years apart, One Direction!" A man says on the screen as the channel turns to commercials.

I get up and quickly go to the bathroom before they come on. Coming back out of the bathroom, I hear them introduce them as the screen pans to all four of them sitting on a couch together. Honestly brought back old memories of watching interviews of them.

"Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall, how are you today?" The interviewer asks as he turns his attention to the four boys.

"We are happy to be back in Chicago all together again, been a long time," Liam says as the boys all agree.

"Well, we are happy to have you back," the interviewer replies, turning to look down at his notes. He goes through a bunch of routine questions; it feels like they answer all the time. Then he turns to a screen next to him, "It turns out you guys actually got here yesterday as these pictures were spreading through twitter." The boys turn to look at the screen, and I watch Niall's face go red, "So Niall, whos the pretty girl?"

I hold my breath waiting for his response. What is he gonna say? Technically nothing happened this morning; he just got upset. We never broke up. He couldn't possibly lie, could he? I watch as he takes a deep breath, taking the time to word his response carefully, "Her name is Charlotte, she's one of the competition contestants."

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