chapter 15 - the kid

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Hermes: well thats a slight problem cause we're going on a date tomorrow remember?

Y/N: oh ya um could we maybe call that off?

Hermes: haha! no I say laughing. Just 'cause you picked up a kid doesnt mean you get out of it. Get some one from your guild to look after her or something.

Kila: whoa whoa whoa back up a second when did you manage to get a date out of Serben?

Kukuri: When? How?

Hermes: I just got a call one day asking for a bounty and then he was dared to take me on a date and who would turn that down.

Willow: Are you in love papa?

Y/N: No it was a dare from some one. Wait papa? Why did you call me papa?

Willow: Your my papa because Im staying with you.

Y/N: I hear every one chuckling and kila says

Kila: Well you have adopted a kid Sterben. You gonna train her to be like you?

Y/N: most likely but first we need to get you all sorted I say looking over at her and rub her head. 

Hermes: that still doesnt change the fact that you owe me a date I say with a smile. I dont think I have ever seen him as happy as he is now. Maybe this child will bring him the happiness he desperately needs in his life. Ive prepared your usual room upstairs for you if you want.

Y/N: thank you Hermes. Come on Willow lets go and get you sorted out. I get up and expect her to follow but she stays sitting. Whats wrong I say.

Willow: Papa why do you wear a mask? I want to see your face!

Y/N: Its better for people not to. I want to be remember for my deeds not my looks or words.

Willow: Please I want to see your face! Pretty please Papa!

Y/N: Fine. I turn to the three girls and say no pictures or any thing like that you hear? I see them nod and then i reach up and take off my mask. I say quietly pax and my mask chimes mask unlocked and I hear a soft hiss and it unlock. I take it off and see every one staring at me. Are you happy Willow? She nods and i start to put it back on but she says.

Willow: No Papa keep it off. Please I like it off.

Y/N: Ill keep it off here and around you but if we go some were im going to put it back on alright? She nods and I turn back to Hermes, Kila, and Kukri and there all still staring at me. What? I ask. Oh and Hermes could you prepare another room for some one. She nods and I turn back to Willow and say. Hey could you go to the car and tell Nokk that we got her a room? She nods and runs out to get her. When she gets back she has nokk by her hand and dragging her along behind her. All right Willow lets go to my room to put away some of our stuff then we can get you some extra cloths and stuff. Oh Nokk, try not to cause any trouble for Hermes I say walking up stairs to my room. I get to my room and open it. its a two room suit and a door in between the living room and the bedroom. I walk in and see Willow follow behind me holding my hand. Its ok Willow you can let go of my hand. She lets go hesitantly and I pick her up. I walk over to the bed and set her down and give her the remote to the tv. You can watch some cartoons for a bit. Im going to text some one to get you some stuff and then im gonna take a shower. Then we can go and eat. Does that sound good? She nods and I head to the bathroom. She calls out right before I get in the bathroom.

Willow: Can I answer the door if some one knocks Papa? 

Y/N: Yes but only if they say the words para bellum. You got that?

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