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These seven young men are pretty hardworking, you could say

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These seven young men are pretty hardworking, you could say. After releasing their very first album, here are they, already halfway done with the next album that were to be released. In all these months, they have become quite friendly with each other, the amount of time they fought have also reduced, now that's a good sign, you see. They are currently rehearsing the choreography.

There was Jeongguk, the youngest of them all. He seemed a bit sad ; he couldn't catch up with the choreography. "Y'all continue, I'll be here in a while", Jeon says and leaves. The others took note of this, and continues to practice.

"I can't believe I'm this worthless", Jeongguk sighs. "No! You're not", someone replied back, sat beside him on the bench that was placed in front of the park and patted his back. The younger of the two looked up and saw the person who replied him back was Hoseok.

The said male came closer to Jeon and in a soft voice, he says, "It's okay. Everybody makes mistakes. I understand, we are all new to this kind of life, and so it makes sense. Come on. I'll make sure you're done with the choreography. Come with me, I'll take care of you"

"Promise?", Jeongguk asks his hyung with a faint smile. "Promise", the other replies, returning back the smile.

And just as the older said, he kept his promise. He knew very well that Jeon was a shy child, he needed some time to come out of his shell. Hoseok took keen note of this and made sure the other didn't face any difficulty.
And as days passed, Jeongguk seemed to speak his heart out. He did not fear anything now. Living together with his band mates doesn't sound bad, he thinks. It's pretty fun, especially with them.

All these thoughts kept clouding Jeongguk's mind as he finished practicing the choreography perfectly yet once more. He was pretty confident about the showcase tomorrow. And so, he was looking forward to the next day.

Looking at the confident side of the youngest, made the others a tad bit happy, and this was something none of them could deny. And, perhaps, there was someone who was as grateful to Jeongguk and the latter was to him.

The story goes back when they were to debut as the new idol group. Hoseok, might have a blinding smile that lights up others' mood, but ever since he has got into BTS, he wanted to give up, he thought he wouldn't be able to succeed just like earlier. But then, there was Jeongguk, who wanted to have him here, who cried seeing his hyung broken. To this, the older decided to stay back. He doesn't know what made him do so, maybe a part of him told that he'll make it, or was it Jeongguk who wanted him to be here? He can't rattle out the answer.

Hoseok thinks about this once more as he grabs his mic before he goes to perform tonight. If he fails, he needs to try once, he thinks ; even if isn't for himself, then atleast for his fellow band members, who just like him, didn't have it all easy. He is not the one to give up so easily, atleast not now.....


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