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It's been a while, and they had no releases. While thinking of one, he stumble upon the idea of "Love Yourself". It's simple and realistic, the youngest thinks. And so, all of them starts working on it.

"When there's hope, there's despair"

It's almost surprising how a simple line held such a meaning for them. Coming from rags to possessing riches, it was never a cakewalk. And unlike earlier, they've come to love themselves for who they are, and not what they should have been. They, for sure, have come to love themselves in a better way. And, this makes up one of the reasons why they want to focus on the same. It's a good sign that the fanbase increased and they hope this reaches a larger audience.

The first album, to be honest made quite a lot amount of money, but wasn't feeling successful, as in, this album could not actually fetch an award.

And, thus, they all think that it was better if they are not together, it's for their betterment, they feel. And all these memories comes dropping slow before them when the Grand Prize is handed over to them. It's Hoseok who starts his speech the earliest. He was going preety smooth, but the moment he let the crowd know that he would have cried even if they didn't take home the prize today, he cries, with soft sobs escaping his lips, face in a light tint red. Jimin, once processing what is really happening, wasted no time in wrapping an arm around Jung's waist and comforting him. The others too cry thereafter after realising how close they were to part ways, to disband. Oh, how grateful they were, that it didn't happen.

And as if the world around them didn't matter, all seven of them embraced themselves in a giant hug, before walking off the stage. They were, surely happy, even if not for the award then atleast because of the fact that they will always be together, laughing, crying and singing all through life.

"You all have learned to love yourself, and now I urge you to speak yourself. What is your name? Speak Yourself"

He finishes the last sentence, with his heart beating fast, not sure of the fact if he spoke well. But a pat on the back made it clear that he isn't the worst speaker out there. Namjoon smiled at the Secretary General and told others to take a seat.
And they all took a seat, they once remembered the look on their leader's face when they were invited here, the UN. They now smile fondly at the memory.

Bad memories don't matter now, they say. All they want is to move forward and enjoy the course of life....



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