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It was the month of August

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It was the month of August. Everything was going well and good in the Bangtan Dorms. They are actually writing some lyrics now. The comeback is gonna be big this time, with a tempting title track, "Blood, Sweat and Tears".

It's actually good to see everyone hyped up with for the songs, the comeback. They are all ready to sing the songs, the solos... Basically, it's all smiles in the Bangtan dorm.

Meanwhile, there's something which is not right. And that "something" is the Park Jimin guy. Looks like, he has returned to his old ways, comparing himself to others, and even blabbering about how worse he has gotten. This guy doesn't even like to see his face through the mirror, to which he says, he simply doesn't like it. He even started dieting to a point where he lost several weight. He was no more cheerful.

"When will I ever get any better?", Park speaks. And just when he thinks he was all alone in his room, he heard a voice saying, "You're perfect."
It was Jin.

Jimin turns around, and shakes his head and mouths a "No" when the elder asks if there's anything he is going through. Jin just smiles and says, "Don't comfort me with a lie". And within a moment the younger engulfs his hyung in a hug. He tells Jin everything he has went through, and is still going through.

Kim Seokjin never felt so disappointed at himself until now; he wasn't even there to help the other out. So he heaves a sigh, and with a faint smiles he continues, "Don't forget to love yourself the way you are. I want my old Jimin back. These things may happen, I guess, but don't put yourself in such a pressure. It's okay to be a tad bit less perfect. And you know what?", Jin paused. Jimin says, "No dad jokes please". The older says, "No, I wasn't kidding. But, you know what? I do think beauty lies in making mistakes... It's okay."

"So you're saying that the fans won't be disappointed by me?" Jimin curiously asks. "No. Not at all ... I know it... " Jin smiles.

Before leaving, Seokjin informs Jimin that he is going to make his favourite dish today. At this, Jimin forgot everything and said that he'll come down in a minute. "But first promise me that you won't be like this from now on", Jin demanded. "Okay, okay. Promise!", Park says.

"Oh, and Jimin, what do you call a sad cup of coffee?", Jin asks (to which Jimin says he isn't aware of it)
The older just says, "It's called a depresso"
And the two of them bursts out laughing.


A/N : I didn't update for 2 days, it felt like two years to me 😂

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A/N : I didn't update for 2 days, it felt like two years to me 😂

Anyways, do you like the chapter?

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