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It's so overwhelming to see their fans supporting them unconditionally. They started as a speck of dust, but managed to become a star. Even if it took time, it was all worth it at the end. After all, Rome was not built in a day, isn't it ?

As they're nearing their seventh year of being together, they seem to be all grown up, but behind all these they are the same young boys who just came together for the same dream.

So, this time, instead of conveying a message via the songs, they decide to thank everyone who were here, are here, will be here, no matter what. Always. Now, that they are all done with their songs, they look fondly at each other, with "thanks for being with me" smile.

It's kind of crazy (but in a good way) to see how far they've come. The times when their name was made fun of, the times they had to share a room, the times when the day didn't go as planned, they all smile at those bittersweet memories. The older days define the new them. Very much. That's what the new album, 7 is all about. Nothing gigantic, but very special.

Sometimes, they wonder what would they have been had they parted ways, two years ago. It wouldn't have been so much fun, living together, laughing, crying and even fighting, and then reconciling. These seven years were the best, they all can't deny, be it the one who once was known as Runcha Randa, or the one who once wanted to make his granny happy.

Belonging to a not so known agency, they knew it would be hard, hard to make a mark, hard to be the best out of thousands of people who belong to the same field. However, they did it. They don't know how, though. Sure, it would have been hard but thanks to the bandmates, and the fans. They are really one of a kind.

Even if fame forgets them, history won't.



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