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Yoongi, unlike his past records wakes up early, a bit too early today. He smiles looking at their group photo seven years to this day and stands up, stretching his arms and yawning softly. Well, the thought of him waking up early was proven wrong as he sees the others already up. And as if they all had communicated silently, all broke out into a riot of laughter. "You are never gonna wake up early", Hoseok says in between his laughs. A blunt "Yeah, yeah" was the reply to this. And, yet once again, they let out a hearty laugh.

What a great way to start the day.

They all get ready, for the shooting today. It's their anniversary and nothing can be more good than recording it, just as always. Today's plan was to recreate the same old kind of an anniversary they had years ago, seven years ago (to be more specific).

The preparations starts, with the leader and the eldest cooking some delectable stuffs, Yoongi and Park making the cake and the other three decorating the whole place. It's a good day, with all of them playing and jumping around, having shining eyes, just like those of a child. Kim Namjoon warned everyone that he is not good of a cook, but that couldn't be considered true. As soon as the six of them tasted it, it seemed so good. They were all surprised.

The day went off pretty well, with all of walking down the memory lane, discussing the most emotional moment to the most hilarious one. How Jimin and Taehyung fought over dumplings made them laugh as hard as the episode of Jungkook and Jimin's dramatic fight. They all wish that they could be together, always. And just when they became a tiny bit nostalgic, someone said he wants to see his friend's children. It was Taehyung. Then, all of them grasped and laughed histerically.

It was a great day, cutting cakes, being drunk. It was great.

Sometimes, they wonder what made them stick to each other. I would say, seven years' time is not a joke. Yet, they stood, they stood against the darkest of nights, fought against the most stormy sea, tripped and fell down in the middle, and again managed to stand up straight and walk together hand in hand.

"May we always be like this! I really love this feeling. Even if I want to stay young forever, I would grow old if it meant we could be together! I want the best for them, for us", they wished silently.... ❤️



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