Chapter 1:In the beginning...

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Who let the dogs out, woof!
Woof, woof! Woof! Who let the dogs out... The annoying alarm continued to blare while she remained asleep. I covered my head with a pillow yet still I could hear the alarm still blaring. At this point I had no option than to wake up from my comfortable bed at 4:30am to put the alarm off. On a normal day, I would just put it off and climb back in bed but after having just 4 hours of sleep, I think it was only fair what I did to my roommate afterwards.

Arghhhhh! She screamed in terror as I dumped the bottle full of chilled water in her face. It still amazes me how she's able to sleep through such a monstrosity of an alarm tone. "Ughhhhh! I will kill you" she retorted. We spent the next twenty minutes chasing each other in the room and throwing pillows here and there. Knock! Knock!, the door sounded. We paused and went to the door to check who it was. Hahaha, we faced an angry and pissed off next door neighbour. "Do you two always have to do this at five am in the morning, some of us are sleeping "he bellowed. Yeah, to be frank, we were disturbing the rooms on the floor but to have someone who plays loud metallic music, from when the sunsets to midnight, pointing that out was pretty ironic." Sorry", we replied and shut the door in his face. Tilly looked at me, made a funny face and we were back to pillow fighting and shouting because we didn't care! An hour later and we laid in awkward positions on the floor tired and worn out. How do we always manage to wear ourselves out early in the morning? I asked. As usual the answer always remains the same. Its because we were two crazy people sharing a room. An eerie silence fell over the room and all one could hear were light snores. I can't believe Tilly fell asleep again.

Well, I went back to what it was that kept me awake till 4am: loads of assignments. As I sat trying to finish an assignment I knew I was certainly going to score half the mark allocated, my mind couldn't help but wander to a particular place or should I say a particular fac.  Too bad I didn't catch his name. My phone beeped with a message from Najat, my course mate. "Class at 8 am. Don't keep me waiting " it read. I checked the time and it was 7am already. Woah, I've been daydreaming for that long? Don't blame me, you should see his face. I rushed to the bathroom, took a shower and got ready for the lecture all under twenty minutes.

I think I deserve an award. I stepped out of the door and I remembered I forgot to do something. I went back in and stuck a note on the fridge for my roomie: "Off to class, I flyyyyyy. Sleepyhead".  I stepped out again and oh shoot! I forgot something again. I didn't introduce myself. My bad, where are my manners? My name is Ria Brown, an average twenty two year old and a final year student in the university reading clinical nutrition and Dietetics. I live with my goofy roomie Tilly and my best friend is in another school far away from me. Ok now I can go to the lecture I suppose.

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