Chapter 12: keeping up with the doctors

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Visiting Duke at home as well as going out on dates has been our routine for the past six months. Both parents are aware of the relationship and duly accept it as well. I have completed my national service hence, I do not work in the same hospital with Stanley anymore. I managed to land a job at the 37 military hospital. Duke has been such an amazing partner. In fact, I'm a hundred percent sure that this relationship will end in marriage. His mom even refers to me as her daughter-in-law.Yaay!  I could remember the first day I introduced him to Aj and Yaya. The former was gushing over my boyfriend so much that the latter even got annoyed. She even said I had bagged the most handsome guy on planet earth. I didn't even know I was a jealous person until we started dating. The guy turns heads everywhere he goes so most often, I have to show all the women, even older women, who ogle my man that he's taken. That was exactly what we were arguing about as we head towards his car.
"Why were you hissing at the young lady who sat  in front of us in the cinema? "

"She was undressing you with her eyes. I couldn't take it. "

"She wasn't. To you, every woman wants me. Tone your jealousy down "

" Am I not a woman?  Don't I know how we behave when we want someone?  I have to protect what is mine"

"Yes madam. But remember I'm here with you. I'm not going anywhere else. In fact when I see you, everyone else in the universe disappears. The focus is on you and you only, sunshine. Come here. (I drew closer and he pulled me in a hug) stop worrying that pretty head of yours over nothing. My sisters and my whole family love you so much that if I jilt you, I'm sure they will gang up And kill me. You are the hydroxyapatite to my bones. Jealousy doesn't look good on you", with those words, he kissed my cheeks.

"Now I'm shy. I enjoyed the movie though, it was interesting ".

"Yeah me too, the lady didn't do well by cheating at all. The guy really loved her"
"Hmm, yes"
I don't know why I felt guilty at the mention of the word 'cheating'. It took everything in me not to tell him what went on between his best friend and I.  It is such a great relief that we no longer work together ; and with how he acts normal around me, I guess he's over whatever crush he had on me. We kept bantering back and forth till he dropped me at home. Mommy was sitting in the porch as usual waiting to ensure no 'funny business',
as she puts it goes on in her house. They exchanged pleasantries and he bade us farewell. I stood looking at the dark night reminiscing about all that has gone down in seven months of our relationship. In the middle of that, mommy slapped my back from behind and said,  " the dishes are still waiting for you to clean them. Oya, start moving to the kitchen ".
You can never understand African mothers. Don't even try it. When you are happy, they have a problem with it. When you are sad, they have a problem. Worst of it all is when you are on your phone. That one kills them!  My mom has actually decided that since I am dating, I'm going to do all the chores in the house including cooking to ensure I don't go and disgrace her in my marital home. Especially whrn she found out my prospective mother -in-law is her dorm mate from her SHS days. Since I wasn't around, my sister could have done the dishes and I didn't even eat some the food, I complained in my mind because how dare me voice that out?  Unless I want to start buying my own plates. Grudgingly, I entered the kitchen to do the dishes.
The following morning Duke's sisters called to inform me they would like us to hangout for the day since it was the weekend. Even though, hanging out wasn't in my 'to do' list for the day I agreed, because sisters of your boyfriend actually hold 40% shares in the relationship. They can make and break it simply. As I got ready for the day, I heard a car tooting its horn and in some few minutes, their distant chattering could be heard in my room. Seriously, I was just going to throw on some jeans and 'tee' but if Duke drove them here, I might as well put in more effort. I swapped the jeans and 'tee' for a belted sundress right above my knee and stepped out to meet them. I found them chatting with my sister.
Woah, you look nice!
I even feel under dressed.
They both exclaimed. Even my sister agreed that I looked nice. I asked them, if I needed to grab my daddy's car keys but they replied that we have a driver for the day, whom they had to bribe by the way. We stepped out of the room only for me to meet Stanley talking to my parents. I realized this would be the first time that the two of us would have to hangout without Duke. There's always a calm before the storm. I just prayed silently that he wouldn't bring up any awkward issues today as we headed towards the mall. 

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