Chapter 24: moving on

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It has been approximately three months since Aj started living with us. Even though she was my best friend, I felt like she was suffocating my personal space but on the contrary, Duke has learn to enjoy her company so he didn't mind. In those three months, Stanley and Ama's relationship has been steady with little to no hitches. I didn't know he had it in him to remain faithful. Their relationship didn't stop her from flying into our home like she owns the place. I can still see admiration and attraction in her eyes when she's near my husband. We weren't exactly good friends but at least I was trying to tolerate her. Sadly, there had been two more miscarriages. Doctors said there could not find any problem with either one of us, hence keep attributing it to unexplainable natural cause. Funnily enough, I could now say that we are 'pros' at handling that now. We no longer walk around like zombies when it happens. We bounce back faster and move on with our lives. We have decided not to try for a baby anymore, and we're just going to go with the flow. If it happens fine, if it doesn't no big deal. Our major worry now was how to get Aj and Yaya back together. She still refuses to talk about the incident that led to all this catastrophic events. Whenever I talk to Yaya, he always gives the same reply, 'I need time to heal'. I kind of understand him though. Duke was on leave so he was always home while I'm always away from home. Aj had closed down her shop too and was working from home. I was currently driving home at 6pm after a long tiring day at work. I couldn't wait to get home and rest or probably turn Duke into my personal masseuse. When I arrived at home, the entire compound was quiet. Only AJ's car was in the driveway. Where has this husband of mine gone to? The day I need him to help me relax and relieve stress is the day he decided to go out at night huh, I soliloquized. Right after opening the door I made a dash for the kitchen. I was so famished that I could devour a whole fattened cow. All the excitement drained from my face when I saw the empty kitchen : no food, absolutely nothing. I checked the fridge and they had eaten all the food I prepared for the week even though today was just Wednesday. I was tired and I was hungry, that's such a dangerous combination. I called out AJ's name and there was no response. I dialled her phone and there was no response. I tried Duke's and his phone screen lit up right on the tv set. Why would he go out without his phone? As sad and annoyed as I was, I managed to drive to a food court, an hour from our home, to get food. I got back home, ate, showered and even read a whole book yet there was no sign of Duke or Aj. I checked the clock and it read 10:30pm so away to bed I went. Sleep just wasn't coming, because deep down I was scared. What if something had happened to them? I put the lights off and closed my eyes and that seemed to work because as far as I can remember, I was slumbering until I felt the bed dip and someone shake my shoulders. It was as if this man had a death wish because now I was triple pissed. I didn't budge but he kept tapping me until I woke up.
"What is your problem, can't you see I'm sleeping"?

"Sorry baby, how was work"?

Was I dreaming or he wanted to make small talks in the middle of the night. I ignored him and faced the wall in an attempt to sleep. In retaliation, he kept poking my cheek till I decided I can't take it anymore.
'How was work? Seriously that's all you can think of? How about have you eaten? Are you feeling okay? Or better still an explanation as to why you have been out till this ungodly hour. Don't get me annoyed than I already am. Good night '!
I thought he was going to give a tangible reason why there was no food or why he was out but the words he spewed fueled my anger. According to him, Aj was feeling sad and down because of her current situation with Yaya so he decided to take her out to our favorite ice cream place to cheer her up. They lost track of time and decided to watch a movie at the cinema before coming home.
'Wow, do you need me to clap for you? Congratulations on being able to keep someone else's wife happy while yours needed you. Mr comforter, well done sir! I come back from work tired and hungry only to meet an empty house, empty fridge and empty kitchen. I drove all the way to Esi's bazaar to get food and finally when I'm relaxing, you wake me up and tell me this cock and bull story. Are you proud of yourself? Allow me to sleep after all I have work tomorrow, you don't '.
"Awww darling I had no idea your day was this bad. I know just what you need : a massage. It always helps you calm down", he replied.
(Makes an attempt to touch my feet but I retract them under the covers)

'Young man, if you try to touch me or even breathe on my face, you wouldn't like what I will do to you. Use this time to learn how to set your priorities right'
With that, I left to the other guest room armed with a pillow and blanket. Such arrant nonsense. It took a long time to calm down and finally sleep in peace. The next morning, I woke up to find my car washed, clothes ironed and packaged breakfast with a note on it which read ;
" knowing you, I'm very much aware you still wouldn't want to talk to me but I'm really sorry about yesterday. I hope you have a nice day. I love you💖♥❤.
From your repentant and sad husband who didn't get 'any' last night, not even his good night kiss".
I wasn't exactly going to forgive him that easily but the breakfast was the deal breaker. I went in search for my husband and I found him in the couch. I kissed him twice, one for his good night kiss he did not get and his good morning kiss. He tried deepening the kiss but I pulled back and boxed his ear. Then he started tickling me and the whole house was filled with our laughter. Aj came over and was like "classic, I knew you two would be here playing at this time of the morning. Aren't you going to be late"?
With that being said, Duke offered to drive me to work. On the way our conversation drifted to what we wanted to name our children when we finally have some. He was bent on naming them after precious stones.

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