Chapter 5: Family and a certain crush...

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Dinner was served at exactly 6pm. Like we always do, most of our dinner was spent bickering back and forth as we enjoyed a sumptous bowl of banku and okro stew with all its 'accoutruments'(crabs, snails, tuna and beef). After dinner, I helped maame to clear the table and got ready for my meeting with mom and dad. Talking with daddy wasn't as scary as talking to mom. If you haven't guessed yet, I'm a daddy's girl. Maame, asked to join in on our conversation and mom allowed her. Daddy didn't really talk that much but mom went on and on about how I needed to be careful because decisions I take today will affect me in the near future.
"Mom, I understand where you are coming from but I haven't even told you how we met".
"My baby, tell me how you met then"
I proceeded to tell her how I first saw him in the supermarket and how the whole event unfolded. But of course, I left out the fact that his best friend is a 'womens magnet' and even tried to woo me on the first day we met. I want mommy to like him. After my narration,  she commented on how lovely it was but still warned mevto be vigilant and  I promised to do so.
"Mom, but he's not even my friend yet so relax" I commented on my way to my room.
I slumped on the bed immediately I entered my room. I took out my 'krause' to read about G6PD. That condition was becoming more prevalent in children. I was so engrossed in my study when the beep of my phone interrupted me. A text message has arrived.

[Unknown #]:

Hello sunshine, I hope your skin is doing well.

me: lol, I'm fine. The waakye healed my skin perfectly. I'm guessing you took my contact details from Stanley, right?

[Unknown #]:
Yes I did. I hope you are not annoyed though. I just want to be an acquaintance then, if you deem me worthy, I can become a friend.

I am nowhere near angry. I'm rather delighted you are even speaking to me. Its not everyday, I get the chance to speak to a handsome guy like you. In fact let me save your contact.

Saves contact...
[Duke💓👅] :
What were you up to before I texted though?

I was reading about G6PD.

[Duke] :
That's nice. am I disturbing your studies?

"I'm not going to lie and say you are not, but I needed to take a break so we good.

Ermm, i really enjoyed the conversation today and because of that name whatever you want, I will buy it for you on my way back.

Really? 🙃

Yes dear, anything for you😉

Okayyyyyy... How about we do lunch when you return? 🤗

Wow! I didn't expect you to say that. You just proved you are not like every ordinary girl, sunshine. I like that. Is it too early for me to say I have a crush on you? 🙂

No it isn't. And in fact when I see what I want, I don't wait for it to be handed over to me. I take it if I can. That's being smart.
I have had a crush on you since ages boy. 😋

Even though I have seen you before, we just spoke today. How then have you had a crush on me since ages? 😹😹girllll, you can vibe.

I'm not vibing you😜 its true.
(I proceeded to remind him about the supermarket incident)

Wow, I have even forgotten about that. The cashier was very rude that day. I can't wait to come down and go out with you. Please go back to your books and study for me ok. I will talk to you later. Have a good night sleep devoid of sunshine 🌞 😹. 💘

Good night to you too. Sleep tight handsome 🙈.

-----------------------------------------------------------I placed my phone on my night stand and continued to study. I must say it was difficult trying to focus because my mind kept drifting back to the conversation. I was beside myself with joy but mommy's advice got me thinking if I wasn't rushing too much. Am I making the right decisions here? I asked myself. I got down on my knees and prayed to God about the issue. Afterwards, I turned off the lights and slept not before reading through our messages again.

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