Chapter 27: I fly solo

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Within a week, I was able to secure a paid leave from work and bought tickets to Singapore. It had always been my dream as a young girl to travel the world and what better time could I do that than now. I'm sure all the touring and change in scenery will help clear my mind. Duke's mom had been to my parents' house on two occasions and  every time, I didn't allow her to see me. We either speak through the intercom or she speaks through my window. I didn't want Duke to find out we were expecting  children, yes you read right, children. The sonogram showed two little bundles of happiness growing inside of me. So far the people who knew about the pregnancy were doing a good job at keeping their mouths shut. In the days preceeding my travel, I managed to stay out of everyone's vision. Duke paid heed to my request and never came searching for me. Instead, he kept writing little notes and sending them to my house through the post man. He labeled them 'A thousand reasons why I need you back my love'. As curious as I was, I never opened any of them. I just took them and stashed them in a shoe box I was keeping under my bed. If he thought beeing cheesy was going to win me over, then he was wrong. Before I left to the airport, I tasked my sister and mommy with the job of collecting the notes and keeping them in the box. As I took the elevator going to the departure hall, I couldn't help but wonder if I was making the right decision. I knew absolutely no one where I was going. Well, even those I thought I knew almost killed me how bad can a stranger be? With renewed vigour, I entered the hall without looking back and completed my formalities. Then, I was ushered to my seat. As the plane took off, I shed a silent tear. This was certainly going to be the last time I shed any tears because I was certain I was going to come back stronger and better. I usually sleep on flights because what you can't see won't kill you. An eternity later, we finally arrived. I made a dash to my hotel to relax because my feet were killing me. So far, apart from the occasional feet swelling and emesis, I was having a smooth pregnancy. Its as if the kids can sense my emotions so they were being good to me. The next three weeks was spent doing what tourists do; going on tours, partying, making acquaintances and attending birth classes. I was able to cross off almost all the things on my bucket list. I really enjoyed my stay. After the three weeks, I packed my bags and set off to Italy, then came Mexico, Paris, Canada and south Africa. I kept touring till my seventh month, when I decided to come back home. Through out those six months, I never answered a call from Duke or any of his friends and family. Now that I was back in the country with a very big stomach, hiding myself and the pregnancy from everyone was going to be tougher than before. I wasn't even going out because I had just some few months to my due date. The only time I went out was to visit the hospital for routine check up. The babies and I were in a very good shape, said my obstetrician. It was during one of those hospital visits that I ran into Stanley. He was gobsmacked after taking in my appearance. Apparently, he was coming to check up on his patient that had been transferred to this hospital. He asked me to wait in his car so he can drive me back home and talk as well. Initially, I declined but I realized if I was going to prevent him from telling Duke about this pregnancy, then I need to get him on my side at least. So, that was how I ended up in his car. For someone who wanted to talk, he sure was quiet for most of the drive. The tension in the car was so thick and obvious. If he thought I was going to start the conversation, then he's wrong.
I took my phone out to play 'Wordscapes'. I was so into the game that I didn't realize we had gotten to our destination until he pointed that out. I scanned my surroundings and realized we were at the beach. The very beach where I chose Duke over Stanley. Reminiscing on that moment got me questioning myself if I made the right decision that day because I see what he and Ama has and its beautiful. The devil you know is really better than the angel you don't know. Who would have thought a whole Stanley, our playboy Stanley, would be able to turn over a new leaf. I felt him swipe my face with a tissue and I realized I had been crying all along. He handed the tissue yo me and I saw a wedding ring on his finger.
'Hey, when did you get married'?

"I did when you were hiding away from the world and ignoring us. Let's find some where to sit before you faint on me", he replied. As sat watching the sea waves, Stanley brought me up to date on everyone's life and his. I learned  he and Ama have been married for some months now, Aj and Yaya were back together and Duke was so miserable because I left ,that he almost lost his license for making a mistake during surgery  but thankfully, the person survived. 
Like the good friend he is, he tried pleading on Duke's behalf.  I made it known to him that I wasn't ready to face him yet but I had forgiven him. Being able to go back to him and act like nothing happened will require baby steps. After we had a heart to heart discussion, he pleaded with me to at least tell him about the baby. I told him I was going to think about it and made him promise not to mention it to Duke. Deep within me, I knew I wasn't going to tell him about it. It was getting late so he decided to take me back home and head home as well before his wife gobbles  him up for being late.

As we approached my house, I saw the silhouette of someone I knew very well sitting  in front of the gate. What is it with me and meeting all the people I am avoiding today. I dreaded the scene that was about to unfold.

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