Chapter 22: anxiety

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For the past three days, I have been trying to get to Aj but all her phones have been turned off. Her family didnt know her whereabouts either. Paranoia was starting to set in. She later showed up at my house late at night that day, when I had reclined to bed. Duke as usual had an evening shift so I was alone at home. I started asking a lot of questions but the only response I got was tears and a slow mumbling of oh, Myron, Myron. She was starting to get more frantic. All my attempts to console her proved futile. I picked the phone and dialled Yaya's contact but before the dial tone rang, she snatched the phone and ended the call. If I wasn't very anxious before, I certainly was now. When she had calmed down enough, she finally told me what happened and at that moment I wished she had kept quiet because the words she spoke were like stabs to my heart. According to her, she fought with Yaya over the phone about an issue, she wasn't willing to tell me about. Due to her anger, she forgot Myron was in the back seat and locked her car. To cut the gory story short, myron suffocated and died. She was scared to tell Yaya about it hence her reason for staying away from her home this past few days. I was lost for words. The poor baby had to suffer the consequence of the fight. Still in my state of grief, I could understand how she felt. Her tears increased when I told her I had lost my baby too. With arms around each other, in an attempt to console ourselves and tears streaming down our cheeks, we both fell asleep. The following morning, it took a lot of persuation on my part to get her to agree to tell her husband about the issue at hand. I was currently on sick leave, so I was still at home when Duke came back from his late night shift. He met us curled up in the sofa and staring into oblivion. When he was briefed about the tragedy that had befallen AJ, He just shook his head and left for the bedroom. I excused myself and went after him. Upon opening the door, I found him with his head in the closet and his back facing me. Without turning to acknowledge my presence, he asked, "since when did we start the broken hearts repair business in this house"?
I was too puzzled to even voice out a word. I just went on staring at him.
"Don't give me that look please because if my memory serves me right, you were the one that sacked my friend from this house because 'you do not mend broken hearts here. What then is your best friend doing here? I'm a good person to tell her to go back home too". I apologized for my behavior and after enough persuasion, he decided to let Aj stay with us till she deems it okay to go back home. I was so excited because I get to live with my best friend and there were a lot of things we could do together. Speaking of things, I wonder what is going on with Stanley and Ama. For the sake of my sanity, I hope they are in a relationship. I made a mental note to ask Duke about it during dinner. Duke and Aj were preparing dinner as I lay in the sofa watching a movie. I could hear giggles erupting from the kitchen occasionally. I silently thanked Duke for making my girl laugh. I knew he would be able to comfort her because he's good at that. Come to think of it, as a doctor he should possess that quality. How fortunate of me to have gotten the whole package ; handsomeness, loving, romantic, caring and jovial. It's rare to find what I have and I wasn't ready to let it slip out of my hands anytime soon. I knew he couldn't  bear to lose me too. My mind drifted back to the night of our wedding and that was enough to leave tingling sensations all over. Duke entered with our dinner on a tray. When he saw my face, he shook his head and whispered in my ear "get your mind out of the gutter, your best friend is here; not happening. There was a knock on the door or more like some banging. Who is it that wants to breakdown our door?  Duke went to the door to check who it was. After a minute or so he came in with a very angry and furious Yaya in tow. I casted a glance at Aj and the look on her face was enough for me to know that drama was about to unfold. Ohhhh I love drama. Where is my popcorn? How deflated I was when Yaya spoke his next words.
" get up and get my son. We are going home!, he bellowed.
I actually forgot he wasn't up to date with current events concerning his son. I wasn't Aj but even I wanted  the earth to open up and swallow me.

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