Chapter 18: Honeymoon

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The next morning I woke up to breakfast in bed and a lot of kisses. I was going back to bed after the breakfast but he insisted that I took a shower and get dressed. After a lot of grudges on my part, I finally took a shower and got ready. I went to the hall only to be met with two packed suitcases and my parents as well as his. "What's going on here", I asked after greeting. You can imagine my facial expression when he said "are you ready to explore the maldives"?
Yaaaay! I finally get to see all that wonderful Island has to offer. I love you so much!, I screamed.
'You are full of surprises mister'
"I sure am. I'm not even done with you yet wifey".
His daddy drove us to the airport right on time to catch our flight. This was my first time flying so I was scared a little bit but with him by my side, I felt secured. All in all, I enjoyed the ride to the Maldives. After checking in at the beach house we were staying in, I set my phone up and a lot of congratulatory messages flooded my email and social media. There was no way I could reply all that now so I skimmed through trying to find those I needed to reply as soon as possible. After some few minutes, I found ten messages from my best friend.
"Heyyyyyyyy new wifey"
"Did you like the house"
"I'm guessing you are busy right now but who cares😜"
"Tell him to take it easyyyyyy on you, hahaha"
"OMG! I woke up this morning only to hear you have been whisked away to the maldives "
"Where was Duke when I was searching for a husband"
"Bring back lots of island goodies"
"I'm so happy for you right now"
"Call me as soon as you get this"
"Ha, you should have seen his so called 'childhood friend's' face when she heard you have both left the country"
Now that last message was enough to get me dialling her number. What a crazy friend I have. I called and we talked for a long time on the phone that Duke started nagging so I had to end the conversation. We were supposed to spend a week here and since it was our first day we decided to just stay inside and enjoy some time together. We were currently cuddled up on the bed watching a movie. Out of nowhere, he tells me he almost didn't go through with the wedding. I laughed and commented on how jittery I was feeling that morning too.
"I'm not talking about the morning of the wedding. I almost did so a week prior to the wedding. Seriously, it took a lot of will power not to do so".

With eyes as wide as saucers, and a heart palpitating rapidly as that of a horse racing, I asked why.
According to him, Stanley confessed that he had feelings for me but that didn't annoy him as much as when he made mention of the fact that he kissed me sometime ago. He was disappointed that I kept that piece of information from him but he later on reasoned that we weren't even dating yet at that moment so whatever happened shouldn't bother him. Stanley also promised that he was trying to get over those feelings and he's sure they will go away soon.
I was speechless but when I finally found my voice, I apologized profusely and truthfully told him why I didn't inform him about what happened. He assured me he was okay now and that I should forget about it.
"I'm not slipping away from you ever, I hope you know that", I said as I straddled him. And just like that he was back to his happy self. The following day as well as the subsequent days had us touring the island and doing what tourists do. Shopping for exotic items, going boat riding and swimming. We obviously took a lot of pictures for the 'gram'. I had a lot of people constantly messaging me about how fortunate I was to find such a loving husband. No doubt about that though. My only problem still remained his 'friend', Ama. Even though she wasn't here physically, she still found ways to rile me up. After a stern warning from me, he promised to limit the amount of time he spends talking to her. He still doesn't believe me when I say that she's interested in him more than just a friend. Aside the few hitches there were, the whole mini vacation/ honeymoon was awesome. I was so sad that it was short lived. Gradually, the fantasy world was over and here we were, facing reality, back in where a lot of responsibilities awaits us; work, managing a household, trying to keep our families involved where necessary and making a marriage work. How we were going to manage all that, I didn't know.

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