Chapter 14; Sunday serenity

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Sunday is actually, the most solemn day of the week. I always faced Sundays with mixed feelings. Obey could experience peace and serenity in the mornings but once the clock strucks twelve at noon, you are reminded that the weekend is about to end and another busy week awaits. All the traffic one has to endure before getting to work and it doesn't help that I don't have a car too. Whoever said growing up is fun must have been delusional, because I would give everything to be a toddler once again. Well, this sunday morning, we were short on bread. Mom gave me her keys to get some bread from a bakery not that far from home. You can imagine my surprise. Mom actually gave me her keys!  Is the world coming to an end already?  I touched her forehead in an attempt to see if she's alright. She butted my hand with the laddle she was using in preparing the morning's porridge.
"Sis, go before she changes her mind oh,  free advice", my sister commented.
I didn't need to be told twice; I dashed out of the house. Once I was in the car, I tried phoning Duke but the call kept going straight to voicemail. on my way to the bakery, I rembered I saw one around Duke's area the last time he took me home. I did my calculations and realized I could use 30 mins to get there and come back. That way I can check up on him as well. I was killing two birds with one stone. There was little to no traffic so I got to his place in about eight minutes. I knocked on his door for sometime and there was still no response. I tried his phone and still,the same old story,  straight to voicemail. I was beginning to get worried. I raised my hand to knock for the last time when the door swung open.
"Why are you knocking on someone's door this early morning?  You just disturbed my sleep. Don't you have any manners? You keep knocking and there's no response yet you won't turn away. What do you want? ", she rudely commented.
I cross checked my surroundings to ensure that I was in Duke's compound,  and yes I was. What then is a 'She ' doing in here?
"I'm here to see Duke", I replied.
She slammed  the door in my face without another word. My patience was starting to wear out. He actually opened the door and was very surprised to see me. He looked like he just woke up ; he stood before me in pyjamas shorts and no shirts. He beckoned me to enter. Initially, I declined but I remembered I still haven't been given an explanation as to who 'miss rude' was.
"I was in the neighborhood and just decided to check up on you. Everything indicates you are fine so, good bye"

"Sunshine, really!  Good bye just like that. You didn't even give me a hug. You want me to explain who that is to you. I can see it in your eyes"

" yes, an explanation will do. Because its not normal to come visit my boyfriend and find another girl in his house very early in the morning. And everything indicates she spent the night here! "

"Calm down. She's been my friend from childhood days. After yesterday's night out, she couldn't go back home because it was very late so I allowed her to spend the night here. Nothing happened though. I slept on the couch"

"Hmph, okay bye. I need to get home early "
"At least let me introduce you first".

He introduced me to her as his girlfriend and all she did was chuckle and mumble okay. I thought she was going to apologize for being rude earlier on but I guess I thought wrong. Lord let me not have another obstacle to deal with in this relationship. I know when someone smelled like trouble and tight now that was all I could smell on Nana Ama. I hugged Duke good bye and left not before giving him an expression that said we are not done with this issue yet. I could smell trouble brewing from afar. In my dazed state I bought 'butter bread' instead of 'wheat bread' and I didn't even realize it until my mom pointed that out later during breakfast. The day passed by in a whiz. As I ironed my clothes for the week, Duke texted to let me know that he will be picking me up to work tomorrow so he can clear my doubts. later that night, Stanley called but I didn't answer the phone. I seriously didn't need another drama in my life at the moment.

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