Chapter 28 : Explanations

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Stanley dropped me off, greeted Aj and set off to his house. As I stood silently before her, I just couldn't fathom how she could do this to us. Almost fifteen years worth of friendship thrown away for a few minutes of pleasure. I'm no mind reader hence I did not know what was going through her mind as she stared at me with her mouth agape. After few awkward minutes she pointed to my stomach and said "congratulations, finally a baby is here to stay. I'm also pregnant you know".
   With that last statement, I scanned her with my eyes and realized she did look pregnant but wasn't showing yet so I'm sure it does not belong to my husband. After an eternity of silence, I spoke because I was tired of standing and playing this staring game with her. 
"Look, if you came here to apologize, don't bother because hearing you say sorry will actually annoy me more than I am. I have forgiven you all because unlike you two, I'm not heartless. Congratulations to you too, bye". I was really trying to hold my tears back. I missed my best friend and I certainly miss what we had. As pregnant as she was, she went down on her knees to do the exact thing I told her not to do; apologize. She stood up and dusted herself off after a lot of persuation from me. She asked for a chance to explain what really happened that night. We went into the house and everyone was surprised to see the two of together. I ushered her to my bedroom and we both collapsed on the bed. It was evident we were both exhausted. After my talk with Stanley, I was willing to see things in a different light and think of some of my decisions I had made.
  "You know, all that happened that day  wasn't his fault".
She paused and I nodded for her to continue.
  " I have always admired your husband not in a romantic sense though. When I lived with you two and I saw how he could go to the end of the world just to make you happy, I wished Yaya was like that. The spark in our marriage died right after Myron was born. It was as if suddenly, we were focusing on being parents rather than being a couple but I managed to look so happy outside to mask my sadness. I was so sad most often but when you and Duke comforted me, I was a little bit pacified.  Wishing I had what you two had didn't do me any good and I started to get jealous. I didn't understand why you two could make it work and my marriage was hanging on the line always. That fateful day, some minutes after you left for work, Yaya's lawyer called to inform me they would be sending the divorce  letters soon. We were both watching the tv when he called. When Duke saw how distraught I was, he gave me one of those side hugs he gives to everyone else. I must say I'm not proud of what I did then and I'm not about to go into details of what happened but just know, I started it and I kind of took advantage of the situation. He tried rejecting me but a guy can only try to a point right. He's a good man and even if you don't want to forgive me, please forgive him for he doesn't deserve this. None of you two deserve this strain in your marriage ", she managed to finish in between sobs.
  Hmmm, thank you for telling me what went on that day. But just know that it doesn't change how I feel about you two at the moment. I'm willing to forgive but to forget and act as if nothing happened will take time. It requires baby steps. And please stop playing the blame game. Once you didn't rape him, this was sex between two consenting adults. Saying he tried to stop you will not elicit the response you aim at achieving from me. Just admit your mistakes and leave him to admit his.
I actually rolled my eye at that. I got her to leave because I needed to eat and freshen up. Today had been so exhilarating. As I wobbled to the kitchen, I was stopped by mom.

"Hey, I have told you not to be walking very fast. What if you slip? You are always so careless".
"There we go again", I murmured
Mom was more scared at me losing this pregnancy than how scared I was at losing this. I don't blame her though, the doctor advised me to refrain from vigorous activities since I was closer to my due date. And to mom, me walking was a vigorous activity. Such a drama queen. She ushered me into the hall and daddy helped me sit. My dinner was served. I focused on gobbling the food down my stomach. In the middle of my eating, I caught mom and dad passing worried glances at each other.

  "If you two want to know what  Aj was doing here, you can ask instead of casting those not so sneaky glances at each other".

"Well, that's not the only reason. We are worried about you too. You never seem to talk about your feelings anymore. Are you sure you are fine, they asked.
After affirming that I was okay, I was informed that Duke came to the house to see me earlier in the day. Why?  Is today world apology day? What is it with everyone trying to set things straight today?  Mom revealed that they had read all the letters he sends every day. And from the letter and his appearance today they were sure he was remorseful. I'm not about to lie, even though I never read the letters I always look forward to them every morning. It makes me happy he still thinks about me. As tired as I was, I had to sit through a whole hour of advice. It was some great piece of advice though.
"My dear, just remember that it is those closer to you who will always hurt you more. But keeping a grudge will do you no  good like letting go. I see how your eyes still light up at the mention of his name. If he's worth fighting for, just let go of all this bad energy you are keeping in.Remember we are not promised tomorrow. It might be difficult but you two can find your way back to each other",  daddy concluded. At this point I was teary eyed.

"I'm so glad I have you two as my parents. Thank you. I love you two. I will try from tomorrow".

"Good, with that being said can you start by informing him of the babies so I can stop dodging his mother like a ninja anytime I sight her in the market", my mom said admist laughter.
On that happy note, we dispersed to our rooms. I think I've had my space for far too long. Staying away from him and his family for close to nine months was like an eternity. From tomorrow, I was going to start repairing 'what has bended and not yet broken'.
I called Aj and apologized if I was rude to her today. After some juicy gossips later, I had my friend back but my best friend, I'm sure it will take sometime before we get there.
I called Duke's phone but there was no answer. Still on the third ring and there was no answer so I guessed he must have an evening shift or he was busy. I called his mom and apologized for acting hostile all the time she tried to speak to me. She did shed tears when I gave her the news she was  going to be a grandma real soon. The twins took over the phone and talked my ears off with seven months worth of 'necessary information ', which was how they branded their gossip. When I started laughing at their bickering, I remembered I left out a vital part of my information. I asked them to put the phone on loudspeaker, which they did.
"We are having twins", I screamed.
The noise and cheers that erupted were deafening. They asked of the gender and I told them I wanted nature to surprise me so I never checked.
For the first time in seven moths, I went to bed with a heart full of content and anticipating what tomorrow brings.
"Hey babies, I can't wait to kiss your dad tomorrow. Are you excited to meet him too?  I made small talk with the  babies.  In response, i felt them kick. Eventually, I slipped into dreamland after imagining what tomorrow holds for us.

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