Chapter 6: Friday shenanigans

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Its Friday, its Friday its Friday dayyy... My alarm continued to beep. Unlike every other day, I woke up in a frisky mood. Yaay! Friday is literally the best day of the week. Why, because friday ends the stressful work days. All parties, movie dates and fun stuffs happen on Friday nights. You are not a normal person if you wake up on friday in a pensive mood. Its so sad I wasn't born on a Friday. The whole Friday brouhaha coupled with the very good night sleep I just had and a certain someone whose name begins with a D, got me so high that morning. I even sang in the bathroom! While dressing up I set my friday playlist up. I groove to some good music mostly RnB songs from my favorite artists. I was still bobbing my head to and fro like a pendulum set in a physics lab when Osibisa's sunshine day started playing.

"Everybody do what you're doing
Smile will bring a sunshine day
Everybody do what you're doing
Smile will bring a sunshine day"

As the music blasted from my speakers I stood up, and armed with my lotion bottle as a microphone, performed the song for my grateful audience; my pillows and collection of Teddy bears. Throughout my 'show', the word sunshine struck a different chord in my heart and so I smiled extra whenever I mentioned it. I searched through my wardrobe in hopes of finding a fancy and nice work outfit that suits my mood. I finally settled on a red, midi, thousand pleated dress I got from 'Celebrity Style Boutique'.  Even though I'm all about the black girls movement and believed in wearing my natural hair to work because its presentable, I put my hair in a cornrow and grabbed my blunt cut weave with blond ends from 'Hair sensation'. Damn! I look good, I commented as I stood before my dressing mirror. I don't wear heels to work because 'who wears heels to the hospital'? Absolutely no one. But today was an exception, uh huh. I slipped my feet into my favorite black pair of stiletto heels. I got a notification from my phone, reminding me that I have thirty minutes to get to the roadside to catch my ride. As I came down the stairs, my stomach began to rumble. Gosh, that is what the aroma of freshly fried pancakes do to you. Quickly, I entered the kitchen only to find mom packaging mine in foil to take away. 'Mom, momma, hold it right there! I'm eating breakfast here today please", I stopped her.
After checking the time, she commented; "you are going to be late if you eat at home young lady".

But mom, I'm hungry and besides if I don't eat this pancake here, I would end up eating it by the roadside while I wait for stanley. What will the neighbors think if they see me? Ahaa! Imagine that nosy neighbor on block three seeing me. She will inform the whole community that you didn't train your daughter well. Then you will lose the respect of the people in this neighborhood. Don't you remember the gossip they spread about...

Hey! Its okay. Shut up. Tsww. Do what you want. If you want sleep in the kitchen all day and don't go to work, I don't care. She handed me a plate full of pancakes accompanied with hot chocolate.
If you want my mom to succumb to your wishes, all you've got to do is emotionally blackmail her. Involving the nosy neighbors is a bonus!
"Mommmmm! The pancakes taste heavenly. What's your secret"?

"My secret is in waking up early, being responsible, not lazy and not screaming on top of my voice, even in the bathroom like a lunatic. Combine those qualities and you will have an amazing pancake ", she responded with a serious expression on her face.

Lol, mom did you seriously just shade me? Like how?! You are mean! Minny, minny, Manny,moe, I sang.

"Get out of my kitchen, the man who will marry you is in a lot of trouble. Remind me to warn him not to return you to us if he finds out he can't handle you"

Eii, maa but I can cook oh, I just don't see why I should when the best cook in the whole world lives in my  house.

"Herh, get away. Your 'yobbings' won't work this morning "

Ma, its ok. You win, I lose. Can't you see your princess is looking nice today( I twirled around in the kitchen). No compliments for me?

You twirl around with my plates in your hands. If it falls and breaks you will eat in your palm. I will make sure I keep the broken pieces too so when you finally invite that boy ermm what's his name again?


"Yes, Duke. I will serve him with the broken pieces ". Looking at how you've dressed nicely this morning, don't you dare pass any where after work. Come straight home! Do I make myself clear"?

Wahala for me oh. Eii, small compliments you will give me you have talked plenty and even added warnings. I hear you ma. You are such an African mom, but I love you anyway.

"You will be late for work "(she smiled)

I checked my watch and realized I had just 10 minutes before stanley got here. I gulped down the rest of the pancakes without worrying mom again. Daddy and Maame stepped into the kitchen. " Baby you look nice", he commented.
Thank you daddy, and mommy always wonders why you are my favorite.
Maame scoffed and I gave her a knock. She took her plate of food and went quietly into the dinning area. I bid my parents goodbye and set off. At this point, I was about ten minutes late. It was weird that Stanley hadn't called yet. I reasoned that maybe he was running late too. I stood at the junction scrolling through my phone and replying messages on whatsapp and telegram when I heard the sound of a car parking. "Finally", I muttered under my breath and raised my head up only to meet a car different from the one I was expecting. The driver rolled down the tinted glasses and I stood gaping at him like a fool.

"Hey there! Long time no see". He greeted.

"Hi", I responded nonchalantly.

"Baby, come on! Are you still holding a grudge against me"?, he questioned.

Kofi see, the world doesn't revolve around you eh. I ain't got time to hold grudges and please don't call me baby. I don't drink breast milk, do I?

"I'm sorry, old habits die hard. Wow, you have grown witty and sassy. I see a lot of changes. I have changed too you know. I must say, we were both pretty young and weren't even supposed to be in a relationship so you can't blame me for the bad decisions I made. Please smile, a frown doesn't look good on you", he apologized.

That got me smiling but just a little bit though. He asked where I was heading towards and right at that instant I remembered stanley was still not here. I dialed his number and it went straight to voice mail twice. I have this 'twice only' rule that I learnt from my roomie, Tilly. It was simple: never call a person more than twice unless its an emergency. kofi asked to drop me off at work. The whole drive was spent reminiscing about our glory days. Kofi was my first boyfriend i had. We attended the same junior high school and started dating in form three. The relationship was more of a secret one and lasted just two weeks. It ended in tears for both of us when my mom found out. I will never forget how ashamed I was that day. I blame him because I warned him not to call me at night especially around 6:30pm because we have dinner around that time as a family. But he just had to disobey and text me : "hello, my love. I'm already missing you. The only koko in my calabash. Sweetheart let's meet early tomorrow to study mathematics".

My mom read the messages and gave me the most stern warning I have ever received in my life. I cried myself to sleep that evening. fond memories they were.
Kofi gave me an invite to his wedding which was scheduled to take place in about a months time. we got to my work place, exchanged contacts and I alighted. My watch read 9:20am. I was so late. When I entered the consulting room, Tabitha had left a sticky note on the fridge which read

"Meet me at the diabetic ward ASAP"

I changed into my scrubs ans headed towards the ward. She gave me the scolding of my life and went on to lecture about how important it was to always be on time as a health worker. My mood was beginning to dampen. "Today is Friday" I mumbled to keep me in check. Now I was wondering if stanley didn't report to work today because of his date last night. I couldn't wait to see him for all the juicy details. Tabitha taught me how to fix a parenteral feeding tube. I felt the pain of all the little children who have to feed that way.
I couldn't wait for lunch break so I can skip to Dr. Stanley's office.

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