Chapter 19: Reality

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   You know before you get married, a lot of people will tell you a whole lot of stories about how fun or difficult it was to stay married. The entertainment industry also portray how much of a happy ending one experiences after marriage. You know, the happily ever after and all. Hmph, after being married for a week, I can confidently say that all the movies we watched were lies. There was no happily ever after. One constantly had to work for their happiness. It didn't help that the world expected a lot of responsibilities from us too. There was no break in marriage. You always had to be on the run. Perform chores, go to work, return back from work tired and still prepare a meal for the house. The sweet moments were only enjoyed at favourable times. Spending enough time together was now a luxury due to the nature of his work. He spends most times in the operating room than at home but as sweet as he was he always makes sure we spend quality time together as a couple. And oh,  having two different people from various backgrounds and different upbring, a few arguments were bound to occur. That was how I stood annoyed in the bathroom this morning at the fact that he uses the toothpaste from the top downwards. Why would you press the top of the tube instead of the bottom and then the next time you have to use it, you push from the bottom to the top and repeat the whole cycle again. It was frustrating. We have had that argument numerous times that I was now learning how to live with it. But hey, I still have the right to be annoyed when I see that. Being married to a doctor was a full time job on its own and the cons outweigh the pros. I could remember all the nights I had to spend alone because he needed to be at work.Then when he's home in the morning all he does is to sleep while I'm away at work too. We sometimes don't even see each other in the mornings.  It was really difficult not to nag. In all, we were doing our best in trying to find our footing.
I dressed up and set off to work not before kissing his sleepy face. Since it was a Thursday, I didn't have a lot of clients coming in. I busied myself with fixing up my office. Apart from a few people popping in here and then, I was free most of the day. That was how I spent my day at work and left around 5:30pm. I grabbed some fast food on my way home with the aim of going to eat and sleep immediately I got home. I arrived around six pm and to my surprise,  all the lights were on and there was music playing indoors.
'Was he in such a rush that he left everything on and went to work?', I wondered.
I tried inserting my key in the hole only to find out the door was unlocked. Hmm, what is going on here. My nerves were starting to build up until I smelled the aroma of food from the kitchen. My feet dragged themselves to the kitchen and oh la la la, what a sight to behold. There stood my husband, shirtless I must say, full abs on display,  yummy looking glutes and armed with a laddle in one hand and a plate of fried chicken in another.
"I see you are back beautiful, how was your day"(pulls me in for a hug and kisses me).
That got me melting like butter on fire.
"Erm, okay, fineitwas, ermm I mean my day was f f f f fine",  I stuttered.

'Good to see that some old habits die hard. This was the exact way you behaved the first time we spoke in Stanley's car, remember?'

'Oh please, I just wasn't expecting to see your royal 'yumminess' at home. What's the occasion? mmm.. Something smells delicious. '

Well, since I was home today,  I thought why not prepare a meal for wifey and cuddle up to watch a movie later because even though we live in the same house, I miss you. (He actually pouted)
Awww that's so sweet, let me get changed, shower and come back in here for whatever you have planned. (Throws in a wink)

"Let's shower together so we can save water"

"Stay where you are, young man. If you follow me, I will kill you"

"Its not exactly as if you can catch me if I run".

With that he zooms past me and enters the bedroom. I shake my head at his childish antics and prepare to take a shower. We later had dinner which comprised of fried chicken, 'kelewele', jollof and salad prepared from the scratch by 'yours truly'. We were currently sprawled out on the couch armed with a bucket of ice cream and watching 'Toy Story'.I had to constantly swat his hands away from my hair so I can focus on my favorite cartoon.  We stayed in that position for some time till I could feel my eye lids dropping. He realized that and carried me to the bedroom. I was too sleepy to open my eyes to even say good night.

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