Kiss, Marry, or Kill: Ben, Jay, and Carlos

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Woah! That is so hard!

Oh, my gosh, for real!

I guess I'd have to kill Ben, because I'd absolutely never let anything happen to Jay and Carlos... I mean, I love Ben dearly, but I just can't let Jay or Carlos die. I couldn't keep going if something happened to one of them or to you, E.

Me, too. I hate to do it, though, because I love Ben. He's such a sweet guy and treats you like the queen you are.

I know, but I guess this is all hypothetical, so it's not like we're making any real sacrifices. As for kissing or marrying Jay and Carlos? Ew....

Okay, I've got it. I'll just become a nun, and I'll kiss Carlos on the cheek.

That's cheating, Genevieve.

No, it's not! Agents for movie stars do this all the time!

Well, I'm not an agent, so I guess if I absolutely had to, I'd kiss Jay. UGH!!! EW!!!! And then I guess I might possibly--- man, I'm getting the heebie-jeebies--- I'd marry Carlos. EEEWWWWWW!!!!!!

M, you could just go with my philosophy.

Ick, yeah, I think I'm going to do that. Yuck.

Thank you to @bal4life1 for the ask!

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