What would Evie do if Ben dumped Mal?

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If that ever happened, I'd first spend a lot of time cuddling and consoling Mal.

Who said I'd need that?

You would. But after she went to sleep, I would sneak into his room at night, and he'd have an ugly surprise on his hands.

Well, that's all well and good, but I just can't see me being soooo clingy. That's your area.

Says the girl that won't leave me alone until I pay attention to her.

That's different!

How so? As just one example, if I'm reading, you always without fail flop down on me and poke and prod until I either read the book to you or spend time with you.

Well, it's totally different. Besides, I'm the baby in this sisterhood, so I have to act like it or I'll lose my status.

Trust me, you'll never lose your status as my baby sister.

Thank you to @enthusiast-xo for the ask!

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