Chapter One

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She knew that when she woke up things would be different; she could not tell what it would be; only that it would...somehow.

The dance club was definitely filling up with the long weekend crowd who were out to let their hair down and pick their feet up for some fun.

The lights were set to barely illuminate the dance floor and even less of the patrons on the outside edge of it.

It was nearly the midnight hour and the place was packed with all varieties of women.

You had your short, medium and tall. There was the athletic and couch jockeys, even more subdivided into lipstick, femmes, tomboys, soft butch and butch.

Any flavour you could want to choose from.

But Lisa was a classification all to herself.

You could even say she was unclassifiable.

Tall beyond the average woman. She had long black hair with unique streaks of gray at the sides of each temple.

These seemed to highlight her magnificent chocolate eyes which scanned the club in an otherworldly fashion.

Her broad shoulders and tapered figure accentuated her features as she strode to the side of the room and stood in observation of those around her, her long black coat giving her the illusion of her gliding across the room as all eyes turned, transfixed to her exquisite exotic beauty.

After standing there a few moments, most of the crowd returned to their own conversations or picked up new ones.

"Wow, wouldja look at her..." an average femme by the name of Sakura said in a loud murmur to her friend, "...give my right nipple to be with her tonight!"

Her quiet friend rolled her eyes and looked in the direction everyone else was staring to and quickly lowered her eyes as Sakura took another shot and chased it with a beer.

The club was getting more crowed if at all possible.

Lisa stood by a column that was near the dance area and in-between a small table and the edge of the bar.

From here she could observe the humanity of the time and drink her Glenfiddich Scotch.

The music thrummed throughout the venue with a pulsating beat that synchronized with those bodies swaying and grinding on the dance floor.

Sakura leaned over to her friend again, "Come on, loosen up. You'll never get laid being a stiff stuck up and not on the dance floor" she told her while grabbing her by the hand and pulling her to the dance floor.

Sakura began dancing with her and anyone else who came into her sight.

The few too many drinks she had imbibed loosening her already wanton morals and expressing her lack of inhibitions suggestively.

Unfortunately, it also fuelled her mission to get her friend just as involved in any entertainment for the night.

Lisa noticed, out of the corner of her eye, an individual moving about the dance floor.

She was in the company of the one who had a total disregard for personal space.

Something about this individual piqued her curiosity as well as stirring a very dormant memory.

Setting her drink down on the bar's edge, Lisa walked over to where the two were dancing.

The wanton one was suggestively dancing with a baby butch who thought she was in heaven.

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