Chapter Four

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"Well this is definitely a very ornate restaurant" an elegantly dressed lady of middle age stated.

"Yes it is. I wonder who the owners are. This is new and has been on a few of the associates lips as a fabulous place" Mr. D'Olympia replied.

"Thank you for joining us on such a short notice Ms. Kim" the lady said to Jennie.

"Oh no bother at all Mrs. Tresledge, and please, it's Jennie"

"Thank you Jennie, and it's Vicky," she smiled "I wonder where that day late daughter of mine is, always this way I tell you" she looked at her watch again, "she said she'd be here right on time."

"I'm sure she'll be here soon, shall we order some drinks?" Jennie's father asked.

"Yes Daddy, can you order a Zinfandel for me please?"

He nodded and addressed the waiter with their drinks order.

"So, we recently attended that charity event at the museum..." Mr. D'Olympia began.

"Oh, I heard about that, how did it go?" Vicky questioned.

"Excellent, they raised over One Hundred Fifty Thousand and Jennie here won the prize of the night"

"Prize?" Vicky asked.

"Yes, the entertainment for the evening was a game of deciphering clues after we were matched up with an unknown guest by a number randomly selected and assigned. You were to figure out these clues which led you to an artifact or relic. There you deciphered a code and if you were the first ones back with the correct answer, you won" Jennie explained.

"What sort of clues?" Vicky asked as the drinks were brought to their table.

"It was mostly about ancient history, Gods and artifacts"

"Sounds like a history mind bender, of which I have no knowledge" Vicky said after taking a sip of her wine, "What was your prize?"

"An all expense paid voucher for two to the Intuition Resort."

"Oh that is marvelous; that is so exclusive and fabulous I've heard" Vicky replied enthusiastically, "have you decided who you are going to take with you?"

"No, I'm not in a rush to use it just yet."

"She figured out a couple of the clues" Mr. D'Olympia said proudly.

"So who was your partner? Or did you do most of the work?" Vicky looked at her watch again.

"No, I was very lucky as my partner actually knew a great deal more of the history of the ancients than I did; which says a lot as I majored in it" Jennie sipped her wine, "It was a learning experience to say the least."

"Ah, as a matter of fact, it looks like your partner just happens to be walking this way" Mr. D'Olympia said to his daughter.

Jennie turned around to see Lisa walking around, stopping and speaking with people as she did.Vicky looked up to see a strikingly tall and beautiful woman converse with guests of the restaurant as she strode around; eventually making her way to their table.

"Mr. D'Olympia and Ms Kim, pleasure to see you again" Lisa stated as she shook a now standing Mr. D'Olympia's hand and then gently took Jennie's in both of hers in an unconscious gesture.

"Ms. Manoban, what a pleasure to see you again. May I introduce Mrs. Tresledge, my other date for this evening?" Mr. D'Olympia motioned towards Vicky.

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