On track

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Ina's pov

I felt so sick honestly. I couldn't go to school the next day. I think I have a fever or something like that I don't know. I don't care actually. Even if I was okay I wouldn't have gotten to school I don't want to see Hyunjin at all. I get that he doesn't like me but lied to me and tell Jeongin isn't a bit too much?


20 unread messages

10 missing calls

Does he think that I want to talk or something? I don't get him. You don't like me leave me alone so I can live in peace. Did I leave him live his life in peace though? I was always there and I ruined everything.


Ina are you okay?? I am really worried please answer me I am so sorry it's my fault :(

I feel a little sick but don't worry and it's not your fault you wanted to make me happy. I love you so much thank you.

You are the best if you are sad I am sad too. I hope you will feel better and come back here.

I promise I'll do my best

Hyunjin's pov

"She likes me??? What about that Jaemin guy? You said that she wanted her back." I asked Jeongin "You are dumb dumb bro. Wake up I did this on purpose to see your reaction and you were jealous. They are friends now, Ina likes you for so many years that's why she left in middle school in the first place. She thought she will cause trouble between you and Lia and decided to left. She was always trying to fix your relationship with Lia and our friendship that you ruined for Lia. Lia likes Minho and Minho likes Lia everyone knows that except you. Get over Lia let her live in peace with the one she likes. Your obsession with her it's not healthy. It's weird that Ina loves you even when you act like that. You hurt her so many times and she was only trying to make you happy. She even bought you a present with a meaning behind it. She told you that day. "It hasn't a very heavy scent but whoever smells it they immediately think of something powerful. That's how I look at you." And then at my party she was there for you when you felt uneasy with your dancing skills. I have seen everything you two do. She always looks at you but you decided to ignore her. You are my best friend but I can't take your side what you did was wrong. If you don't like her,which is something is hard for me to believe, just say it to her clearly or else like the dumb girl she is,she won't get over you." Jeongin said everything to me. I didn't want to be that person at all. I am so stupid and a bad person too. I remember everything she did for me. The compliments,the gift, the help she gave at Lia,she was good with her,she left so I can be happy,she was always here for Jeongin in addition with me,she make everyone happy but I just ignore her. She has every right to hate me I would have hated me too if I were her. I started crying without realising it. "Jeongin I am a bad person. Why I am like this?" I asked him and he patted my back "You are that's true but you can always fix things. I am pretty sure you like her so win her back. Give her some time to relax and then talk to her" he said and I hugged him "Thank you so much and I am so sorry for what I did to you. You are the best friend I have I love you bro." "I love you too dumbass" he answered and we both laughed.

I have to apologize to other people though. "Minho, Lia hello" I found them together in the school yard. "Hi Hyunjin" Lia said not so happy and I felt so bad "I won't bother you anymore. I'm sorry for what I did to you I am so stupid. I'm really sorry you have every right to hate me. I know you like each other so you can be together in peace now. I promise I won't bother you anymore. Lia I hope you are happy and Minho I hope I can get a chance and try to be friends with you. You dance well too maybe you can teach me somethings." "Hyunjin wow this is something that none of us expected. I am happy that you finally find your way out. You are a good friend I can't forget that. Be happy too Hyunjin." Lia said and hugged me I miss this but I miss someone else more. Minho stood up and he gave me his hand "I hope we can be good friends I think you are really cool and your dancing skills too"I gave my hand too and we did a handshake.

Ina's pov

3 days later

I don't want to school but I have to. I feel like the first day I went to the same school with the boys. If I ignore everyone I am not going to see Hyunjin right? AAHHH YES THAT'S WHAT I AM GOING TO DO.

School almost ending and I have only seen Jeongin in class. We went for school break and Jeongin found me alone. "HERE YOU ARE FINALLY. ARE YOU PLANNING NOT TO TALK TO ME AFTER 3 DAYS?"he yelled at me but in a good way "Sorry but you know" I said "Look I am sorry a part of this is my fault too but I care about you you can't just pretend that I don't exist" he said sad I hugged him "Don't be sorry and it's not your fault. I am acting so dramatic." "But it's all my fault so blame and hate me" I heard someone said and I turned around and saw Hyunjin. My eyes widened and I ran away I didn't want to talk to him. I left from school and headed to my home but Hyunjin was behind me running but I didn't have enough strength to get away from him. He grabbed my hand "Ina stop running away from me I will follow you everywhere I have to talk to you." "Hyunjin why aren't you leaving me alone please I have hurt enough" I begged him "No I can't let you go I don't want to hurt you anymore. You deserve the best things in your life only, you deserve love and happiness. I am so sorry I really mean it I am so sorry for everything that I did to you. I shouldn't have treated you that way. You wanted to make me happy and I did nothing for you. All those things you did for me and my friends everyone knew them except me. I want to be a better person for you. Minho and Lia are together because of you and Jeongin and I are best friends again like in the past. You fix so many wrong things in everyone's life and I want to make you happy. I am not asking you to forgive me right now you have your time but please give me a second chance. Because you know

Even a fool knows this
You're the best thing I've got
Once again towards you
One more step, I will never stop
I shouldn't run away
I know it because I'm a fool
I can't live without you
Once again towards you
One more step, I will never stop
I'll always be on track"

This song omg... "I like you. No forget that I love you I realised a bit late please tell me I am not too late"he confessed to me I was speechless. "I don't know how to react. I mean I love you too but this is so unexpected" I said "SO I CAN HAVE MY SECOND CHANCE TO MAKE YOU MINE OMG" he screamed like a baby and I laughed at him "That's what I like to see. No more sad eyes" he said and pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I smiled through the kiss and he did the same and hugged me tightly. "I have something for you" he said and he gave me a box. I opened it and it was a perfume. "What does this mean though? Everything has a meaning you know" I asked him confused "It's a perfume that at first you don't pay attention to but once you do, you can never forget its smell. That's what I am thinking when I look at you" he smiled at me and I hugged him "Thank you so much" "No thank you for being in my life" he said and gave me a kiss in my forehead.

"SHE HAD TO GO THROUGH SO MUCH FOR YOU TO LIKE HER AND YOU BOUGHT HER A PERFUME. I WOULD HAVE ASK FOR A HOUSE INSTEAD"Jisung screamed for somewhere and then all of them came closer to us. "CONGRATULATIONS FINALLY THEY ARE TOGETHER THANK GOD NO MORE DRAMA PLEASE. DON'T WATCH SO MANY KDRAMAS THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS"Seungmin said and everyone laughed. I hugged Jeongin "Thank you so much you are the best friend I have" I told him "I hear this quiet often lately but if this idiot hurt you I will beat his ass" he said and I laughed. "EXCUSE ME I AM RIGHT HERE AND I FEEL OFFENDED. I WILL GIVE HER ALL MY LOVE SHUT UP" Hyunjin said and hugged me and started laughing.

They are the best and I love them all so much I am not changing with anyone. All 8 of them and Lia. I am finally happy.

Even a fool knows this
You're the best thing I've got
Once again towards you
One more step, I will never stop
I will always be on track.

Stray Kids:On track        |Hwang Hyunjin|Where stories live. Discover now