Mysterious visions and unexpected news

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- I'm at home! - Natsu exclaimed with a smile, closing the door behind him.

- Welcome back, Natsu! - a young man came out to meet him, with a mane of scarlet, gathered in a ponytail. Although, it was difficult to call it a "man." He looked very young, a maximum of twenty years with something. But if you look into his golden eyes, you will understand that he is much older than he looks.

- Well, ready to plunge into the depths of the past?

- Right now? - surprised Natsu. He threw off his backpack, and, going into the kitchen, sat down at the table opposite the man.

If you have no idea what is happening now, that's okay. I'll explain everything. My name is Natsu Dragneel. I am fourteen years old. And this is my sensei, and, in combination, the guardian, Igneel. I just came from school and now, it seems, I will use it to understand my night visions. These are not even dreams, but rather, memories from a distant childhood, forgotten after so many years. In them I see myself and a girl with blue hair and eyes. She wears long dark blue pigtails and a black dress with a ribbon on her belt. And ... Probably, this will sound strange, but it seems that I really liked her at that time. And still like it. Therefore, I want to find out who she is and one day to meet her. This will be a surprise. 

- Fine, I'm ready. - Natsu closed his eyes and relaxed, letting his thoughts go along the course they needed.

- I closed my eyes and immediately fell into a dream. More precisely, in a trance. And when I opened my eyes, I realized that I was seeing a lucid dream. Everything was as last time, but with a different location and what is happening. I stood in the middle of the desert. Around nothing but sand underfoot. A strong wind raises, creating something like fog. I covered my eyes with my hand, but, realizing that the sand does not do them any harm, I lowered it and went forward. I didn't know that my subconscious is a desert. 

Noticing the human silhouette ahead, Natsu accelerated his pace and called out loudly to him. The man stopped and turned to him. He was wearing a long black cloak with a hood draped over his head. When the man turned to him, Natsu froze. From the hood, the girl's face from his dreams looked pale, framed by long blue strands. The same hair, the same sparkling eyes from under the hood.

- Juvia! - this name by itself flew out of his mouth.

The girl's face expressed surprise, a dumb question in her eyes. She doesn't seem to recognize him. Or just didn't remember.

Determined to get to blueville, Natsu ran to her, holding out his hand. But as soon as his fingers touched her hand, she disappeared, flying apart in blue petals. Natsu stopped, catching his breath, looking now at the petals flying next to him, then at his fingers, squeezing the void.

He did not know why, but the moment she disappeared, he felt ... lonely. His soul was filled with sadness and longing that came from nowhere. As if not only she had disappeared, but also part of his soul.

Natsu sat down, clasping his knees with his hands, looking in front of him with an empty look. He felt so bad in childhood when the children refused to play with him and he was always alone, and when his father died. Feeling of an all-consuming emptiness, a hole in the chest, instead of the heart. They say this is a different form of pain. This is probably true.

Pictures of the past again flashed before his eyes. At one of his first meeting with Juvia. Their families were friends and introduced them to each other. Then they were just kids. Then she seemed to him a real angel - this girl was so beautiful. Natsu knew that appearances were deceiving, but this did not apply to Juvia. For him, she was beautiful not only externally, but also internally. He did not understand why no one wants to be friends with her either, why she was offended and said such terrible things. But, oddly enough, this is what brought them closer, despite the opposite of character. He was the optimist and soul of the company, she is also a pessimistic, shy and insecure girl, opening only to her family members. When Natsu finally managed to get her out of the sink, he was fascinated by how bright she shone.

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