Home sweet home - (Arc - Welcome to The Fairy Tail)

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"On the one hand, I'm glad I don't have to do a monster — killing task, but on the other..." - Jellal sighed, watching his target, which was Natsu Dragneel, from behind a tree. A pink-haired kid with an awl in one place who always gets in trouble. So Jellal thought of him, having no idea what the boy had done to attract his Juvia's attention. — "Follow Natsu Dragneel. What could be more lame? On the other hand... " - he leaned back against a tree, raised his eyes to the sky and smiled dreamily. - "Today is the day when Juvia will come here. I'll see her again. My current mission is to monitor it, in particular, its progress. I hope that the Acnologia will be restored for a long time and during this time I will be able to come up with something. In the meantime, she would have to put up with the fact that she would be spending time with that idiot Dragneel. He's like gum. Will stick and figs you will remove it. Okay, I'll be patient. Well, Juvia should be here any minute. I wonder if Natsu and his friends know about this? Why did they choose this day for their stupid games and jokes?»

With these thoughts, the blue-haired man peered out from behind a tree and looked up at the roof of the tallest house in this mini-village, where events were currently unfolding.

"I don't know why they decided to climb on the roof, and I don't want to know. If he falls, I'll have to catch it, or Juvia will be upset to see a wet spot instead of her  dear friend."

Catching a glimpse of a tall male figure with a mane of scarlet hair passing by, he deftly jumped on a tree branch and disappeared into the foliage, watching from above.

Eric Scarlet, and that was him, was tracking the new car, which should be arriving any minute. He paced back and forth, glancing down at his notes, which contained a detailed plan of his actions. Meet the guests, get acquainted, tell them what and how, conduct a tour, along the way introducing them to the others. But, it seems, his plans were not fated to come true, so the picture opened to his eyes made the guy leave his post and run to call Igneel. After all, only he could calm the obnoxious and overly carefree fire boy.

-Idiots.- Jellal  sighed, slapping his forehead. - "I even feel sorry for this guy.»

"Have you made your will yet, Luke?" - Gray asked his blond friend, who was currently sitting on a huge slingshot with artificial angel wings attached to his back. - Dude, bequeath yourself to experiments.

"Think what you're saying, Gray. - Alice tapped him on the back of the head. — He'll be all right. No one has died from this yet. This device is used by all newcomers in our clan when they learn to fly.

- I found someone to compare. You are an angel, and he is a mortal. - Gray muttered darkly, rubbing the top of his head.

— "Here we go again. " - Rolled his eyes Natsu, standing behind white, as chalk, blond, whose state of now can be described by the phrase "neither alive, nor dead." He was shaking all over, his fingers gripping the edges of the slingshot tightly, and cold sweat was running down his forehead.

He would be happy to refuse, but since Alice suggested it, he can't. It just so happens that Luke, unlike his friends, can't use his magic like they do. Therefore, the albino girl decided to help him and gave him artificially created angel wings that could help or save him in a critical situation. Friends also joined in, but, as usual, turned it into a game. Although, he, now, is not the least bit funny. But what you will not do for the sake of the girl you love, just to look like a real man in her eyes.

Natsu and Gray pulled the rope together, while Alice watched the entire process, in particular, to ensure that they did not accidentally fall off the roof.

"Are you sure about this, Luke? You're shaking like a fever. - Natsu asked anxiously, touching his friend's shoulder.

— I'm all right.- He turned, giving the pink-haired man a nervous smile and a thumbs-up. — I'm fine.

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