The fateful meeting - (Part 3)

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- Finally arrived. -  Akemi thought with relief, looking out the train window at their new home.

Prior to this, the Dragneel family lived near the village, in the middle of the forest. But, due to some circumstances, they had to move to the city. He was completely unlike the village he had known since childhood. Huge houses with many floors, asphalt roads covered by cars. Looking at them, she smiled at the memories that popped up in her mind.

They never saw the train, and as children, they decided that it was a certain spirit of nature that helps people by delivering them. What surprise, if not to say, shocked Natsu when he found out that this was not the spirit of nature, but a machine invented by people.

- Natsu, get up! We arrived! -  Akemi sighed, glancing at her sleeping brother.

He lay on his stomach, hanging his hand, not even thinking to wake up.

-  It will not be easy.  - She sighed, realizing that she would have to resort to plan "B". - You're lucky your big sister is so strong.

She easily took him in her arms and headed for the exit, accompanied by stunned looks from the other passengers. It is not surprising, fragile, dressed like a lady, a girl carries a boy in her arms, growing from her, without experiencing any difficulties.


- Just a little bit. We almost missed our station, - Natsu breathed lightly, going with his sister to a cafe where they decided to have breakfast and relax a bit after a long journey. - That would be scary.

- And all because we went to bed late, - Akemi said, remembering last night. Natsu was so nervous about the upcoming meeting with his fiance that he could not sleep for a long time. So she had to reassure him and rock her, only she overdid it a bit.

- By the way, Akemi, - the girl looked at him questioningly, having just made an order. - Could you tell me about my ... fiance.

At the word "fiance" his face turned red and he awkwardly averted his eyes, putting his hand behind his head.

Akemi frowned as she remembered her conversation with Igneel when she asked him the same question.


- So this girl is the daughter of Yuki Onna? Ice demon? - arched an eyebrow of pink-haired, showing with all her appearance that she did not consider this idea a good one. 

- Yes. - He nodded. The girl put tea with cookies in front of him, and sat opposite, ready to listen further. -Her mother is Yuki-Onna,the father is human. She's a half-breed.  However, she practically does not know about it. Parents decided to hide this fact from her, so that she had a normal childhood, and tell about everything when she gets older and will be ready to learn this truth about herself.

-Are you sure that this girl and Natsu fit together?- Akemi asked warily, frowning. -Fire and ice never get along. Natsu could be in serious danger if something goes wrong. In addition, they may simply not converge.

-They look more like you think. Believe my word. You and your fiancé are also different, but at the same time similar. After all, I was not mistaken with his choice and you are fine with him, right? - the girl blushed slightly and nodded timidly. -But most importantly...

The girl started, seeing a flame flare up in her golden eyes.

- Her talent is beyond doubt. If Natsu and Juvia unite, their duet will become invincible. You know our story with Reina. They are the same as we are with her. But this time the story will end well. I am sure about that.

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