The key to Juvia's heart

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Haru and Kasumi, noticing that the room where Natsu had just entered was too quiet, decided to go and check on things. You never know. So Kasumi didn't want to let Natsu into the room of her elder sister, but because she gave consent, there was no choice. And something told her that even if she said no, Natsu would pretend to understand and find some other way to get into Juvia's room. When she asked him why, what he wanted from her, he said he wanted to talk. When asked about what, he kept silent, causing a new surge of irritation. Maybe he doesn't have any bad intentions or thoughts, but... this kid is too obtrusive. Like chewing gum. But if her sister doesn't mind, there's nothing you can do about it. This is Juvia's choice, not hers.

The head of the house and Kasumi slowly, on tiptoe, approached the door, and cautiously opened it. The sight that opened their eyes caused, to put it mildly, surprise, which was reflected on their faces in the form of a dropped jaw.

Natsu and Juvia sat on the floor in front of the TV and waited for the music show to start playing on it. Kasumi knew that her sister was very fond of music, but she didn't think that they would have common interests. They seemed so different. It's hard to imagine them as friends, let alone as a couple. What struck her most was the fact that they were sitting quietly in front of the TV, next to each other, taking turns eating the cookies that were on the plate between them.

"What's that?»

- Sister? Kasumi called cautiously. Natsu answered instead of Juvia. He turned in surprise and smiled broadly.

— We're playing with buns here." He laughed, waving a blue cookie in his fingers.

"I see." — a drop appeared Above the blue-eyed woman's head.

- Juvia and I are going to watch a concert of our favorite bands. What's wrong with your faces? his laughter grew louder as the blue-eyed woman and her father's face became even more shocked, if that was possible.

— Okay, suddenly smiled at Haru. "Come On, Kasumi. Let's give them a chance to get to know each other better.

When the door to the room closed, an awkward silence hung in the air again, broken only by the crunch of cookies from Natsu and the voice of the announcer from the TV.

As if on cue, they both sighed. In gray eyes of Natsu were fatigue after a hard day and a lot of questions, and in empty blue eyes of Juvia incomprehension, questions and all this mixed with the usual guilt and despair.

"I just wanted to listen to music alone," Juvia whispered, breaking the dead silence first.

— And I have a new song by my favorite singer. They will show at the same time, so why don't we listen to them together, - quietly, but with surprise in his voice, said Natsu.

They listened to Natsu's favorite singer together, and then Juvia's favorite show started.

— Weird song, " she commented on a previous song that Natsu loved so much.

— You're the one who's weird, " he said, just like her, not taking his eyes off the TV. — Don't you think she looks a little creepy?" — he shivered, shrugging his shoulders at the sight of his favorite performer Juvia, whose appearance was, to put it mildly, extravagant.

- It's just a mask. - He looked at her questioningly. — The reason she dresses like that and does things like that is to hide her weaknesses inside of her. This song... In fact, it is beautiful.

— Just like you,  - smiled Natsu.

- Huh? - Juvia turned on him sharply.

"I think I'm beginning to understand you," he continued, " I've been through a lot, and it hasn't been any easier for you. You hate people because they don't want to see the real you. Because they don't understand, and that's why they're afraid. And fear, as we know, makes people blind. they're starting to hurt you and your family. The scar on your face is proof of that, am I right?

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